_Added in 1.8.10_ */nmsg <network> <nick|#channel> <message>* Sends a message to a nick or channel on a specific network based on [[$network]] name. _See also [[/describe]], [[/me]], [[/ame]], [[/msg]], [[/omsg]], [[/notice]], [[/onotice]]._ *Parameters* table(ktable). |*Parameter*|*Description*| | <network> | Network to target. | | <nick|#channel> | Nick or #channel to send to. | | <message> | Message to send. | *Example*
; Send "Hello world" to #channel on network NordicIRC.
/nmsg NordicIRC #channel Hello world

; Send "Hello world" to Nick on network NordicIRC.
/nmsg NordicIRC Nick Hello world