_Added in 1.9.0_ *on :SOCKCLOSE:name:* Triggers when a connection is closed by the remote connection. (not by [[/sockclose]]) *Parameters* - The level for the event to trigger. - The [[$socketname]] to listen to. - The commands to be performed when the event listener's criteria is met. *Example*
; Open a connection to AdiIRC.com, port 80.
/sockopen adiirc adiirc.com 80

; Make a request for the index page.
on *:SOCKOPEN:adiirc:{
  sockwrite -n example1 GET / HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n example1 Host: www.adiirc.com
  sockwrite -n example1

on *:SOCKCLOSE:adiirc:echo -ag adiirc.com closed the connection