Options Dialog » History » Revision 31
Revision 30 (Per Amundsen, 12/25/2016 09:53 PM) → Revision 31/37 (Per Amundsen, 07/09/2017 10:36 PM)
h1. Options Dialog
AdiIRC has a lot of options which can be confusing, however the defaults are good enough in most cases.
It can be opened by pressing the %(key)ALT% + %(key)O% hotkey, by typing [[/options]] or by opening File -> Options in the Menubar.
Most options are saved to the [[Config_Files|config.ini]] file which can be found by typing [[/paths]] -o or from Menubar -> Tools -> Config Files.
_See also [[/options]], [[/setoption]]._
h2. Search options
You can narrow down the option you want by typing in the Searchbox at the top left corner, it will mark the matches with a red rectangle.
Example search for "Spacing":
h2. Save Options
You can save options by pressing the "Save" button or press the %(key)CTRL% + %(key)S% hotkey.
AdiIRC will also warn you when closing the options window if there are any unsaved changes.
h2. Reset Options
You can reset all options in all pages by clicking the "Reset" button.
If you want to reset only one page, you can right-click the page in the listbox and chose the "Reset this page" menu item.
h2. Help
Clicking the help icon, opens the help page for current selected tab with more information about each option.
Help for a page can also be opened by right-clicking it in the listbox and chose the "Help" menu item.
h2. Options Tabs
* [[Away Options|Away]]
* [[Backgrounds Options|Backgrounds]]
* [[Colors Options|Colors]]
* [[Dcc Options|Dcc]]
* [[Editbox Options|Editbox]]
* [[Events Options|Events]]
* [[Emoticons Options|Emoticons]]
* [[Fonts Options|Fonts]]
* [[General Options|General]]
* [[Highlights Options|Highlights]]
* [[Icons Options|Icons]]
* [[Ignore Options|Ignore]]
* [[Links Options|Links]]
* [[Logging Options|Logging]]
* [[Media Player Options|Media Player]]
* [[Messages Options|Messages]]
* [[Monitor Panels Options|Monitor Panels]]
* [[Mouse Options|Mouse]]
* [[Nick Colors Options|Nick Colors]]
* [[Nicklist Options|Nicklist]]
* [[Notify Options|Notify]]
* [[Proxy Options|Proxy]]
* [[Quick Connect Options|Quick Connect]]
* [[Server Options|Server]]
* [[Shortcuts Options|Shortcuts]]
* [[Sounds Options|Sounds]]
* [[Statusbar Options|Statusbar]]
* [[Switchbar Options|Switchbar]]
* [[Sysinfo Options|Sysinfo]]
* [[Tips Options|Tips]]
* [[Tray Icon Options|Tray Icon]]
* [[Treebar Options|Treebar]]
* [[Windows Options|Windows]]