_Added in 1.9.3_ */rawx [-nq] <command>* Sends the specified command directly to the server. You must know the correct raw format of the command you are sending. Same as [[/raw]] but evaluates a variable instead of text and allows sending consecutive spaces. *Switches* -n - TODO -q - TODO *Parameters* <command> - The command to send to the server. *Example*
;Create a variable with the text PRIVMSG #channel :a    b
/var %var PRIVMSG #channel :a $+ $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) $+ $chr(32) b

;Sends the output of %var to the server.
/rawx %var

;Add a on INPUT event that listens for /example command.
on *:INPUT:*:if ($1 == /example) { 
  ;Put the consecutive spaced message into a variable
  var %text PRIVMSG # : $+ $mid($msgx, $calc($len($1) + 2), $len($msgx)) 

  ;Send the message
  /rawx %text 