_Added in 1.9.5_ */rline [-ahsl] [c] <@name> <N> <text>* Replaces the N'th line in a custom @window with a new line. *Switches* -a - TODO -h - TODO -s - TODO -l - TODO *Parameter* <@name> - Name of the custom window. <N> - The line to change. <text> - Text to insert. *Example*
alias example {
  ;Open a custom window.
  /window -de @Foo
  ;Add a line with the text "Line A"
  /aline @Foo Line A
  ;Add a line with the text "Line B"
  /aline @Foo Line B

  ;Add a line with the text "Line C"
  /aline @Foo Line C

  ;Change the text of the second line to "Line D"
  /dline @Foo 2 Line D