


Serverlist Servers » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Per Amundsen, 02/13/2017 09:39 AM) → Revision 3/4 (Per Amundsen, 12/04/2018 12:05 PM)


 h1. Serverlist Servers 

 In the servers tab you can add/edit/remove hostnames and ports which this network should connect to. 

 AdiIRC will try each hostname in order from top to bottom. 


 h2. Ports 

 Syntax: [+|*]N-M. 

 + Prefix indicate the port(s) are "SSL/TLS": port(s). 
 * Prefix indicates the port(s) are "STARTTLS": port(s). 

 Ports can be a range using N-M, e.g 6667-6669. 

 h2. Add 

 Opens up the [[AddEdit server dialog|add server dialog]]. 

 h2. Edit  

 Opens up the [[AddEdit server dialog|edit server dialog]]. 

 h2. Remove 

 Removes the selected server(s) from the servers tab. 

 h2. Up 

 Moves the selected server(s) higher up in the serverlist. 

 h2. Down 

 Moves the selected server(s) lower down in the serverlist.