


Shortcuts » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Per Amundsen, 04/02/2011 03:26 PM) → Revision 2/141 (Per Amundsen, 04/02/2011 03:28 PM)

h1. Hotkeys 

 ALT + 1-9 - Switches window to selected number 
 ALT + Z - Closes current window 
 CTRL + W - Closes current window 
 ALT + F4 - Closes application 
 CTRL + D - Toggles window attachment 
 ALT + A - Toggles window is ontop 
 CTRL + B - Inserts bold tag in inputbox 
 CTRL + K - Inserts color tag in inputbox 
 CTRL + I - Inserts italic tag in inputbox 
 CTRL + U - Inserts underline tag in inputbox 
 PAGEDOWN - Scrolls messages down 
 PAGEUP - Scrolls messages up 
 END - Scrolls messages to bottom 
 ALT + O - Open options dialog 
 UP - Scrolls up in inputbox message history 
 DOWN - Scrolls down in inputbox message history 
 TAB - Perfomes autocomplete on /commands and usernicks 
 CTRL + J - Open a Winamp playlist search 
 F11 - Toggles IRC fullscreen 
 ALT + UP - Toggles window opacity (transparency) 
 ALT + DOWN - Toggles window opacity (transparency) 
 ALT + LEFT - Cycles one channel back 
 ALT + RIGHT - Cycles one channel forward 
 CTRL + H - Cycles last highlighted windows 
 CTRL + O - Opens options window 
 CTRL + S - Opens server window 
 CTRL + TAB - Cycles through open channels 
 SHIFT + TAB - Cycles through inputbox, userlist, topicbox, searchbox 
 CTRL + T - Opens new server window 
 CTRL + F - Opens text search 
 CTRL + L - Hides/shows Userlist 
 CTRL + G - Hides/shows Sidebar 
 CTRL + Enter - Addes leading / of current message 
 ALT + O - Opens options window