h1. Hotkeys ALT + 1-9 - Switches window to selected number ALT + Z - Closes current window CTRL + W - Closes current window ALT + F4 - Closes application PAGEDOWN - Scrolls messages down PAGEUP - Scrolls messages up CTRL + SPACE - Opens contextmenu in inputbox/topicbox/script editor ALT + ENTER - Adds a newline in inputbox ALT + UP/DOWN - Scrolls up/down in inputbox message history even if multiline END - Scrolls messages to bottom UP - Scrolls up in inputbox message history DOWN - Scrolls down in inputbox message history CTRL + UP - Scrolls up one line CTRL + DOWN - Scrolls down one line TAB - Perfomes autocomplete on /commands, nicks, #channels, %variables and $identifiers CTRL + J - Open a Winamp playlist search SHIFT + copy text from text buffer will copy the color/font formatting SHIFT + starting AdiIRC will bypass any autoconnect servers and show the quick connect dialog SHIFT + TAB - Cycles through inputbox, userlist, topicbox, searchbox CTRL + D - Toggles window attachment ALT + A - Toggles window is ontop F11 - Toggles IRC fullscreen F1 - Opens help window F2 - Toggles docking panels on/off ALT + R - Opens script manager ALT + O - Opens options window CTRL + T - Opens new server window CTRL + F - Opens text search CTRL + L - Hides/shows unread line marker CTRL + G - Hides/shows Sidebar CTRL + H - Cycles last highlighted windows CTRL + S - Opens server window CTRL + ALT + UP - Toggles window opacity (transparency) CTRL + ALT + DOWN - Toggles window opacity (transparency) CTRL + Enter - Allows you to send a message starting with "/" without executing the command CTRL + R - Toggles sound on/off CTRL + + - Enlarges text size in current window CTRL + - - Minimizes text size in current window CTRL + 0 - Resets text size in current window CTRL + B - Inserts bold tag CTRL + K - Inserts color tag CTRL + I - Inserts italic tag CTRL + U - Inserts underline tag CTRL + O - Inserts stop all formatting tag Mousebutton 3 + Cycles one channel back (according to treebar/switchbar order) Mousebutton 4 + Cycles one channel forward(according to treebar/switchbar order) ALT + LEFT - Cycles one channel back (according to treebar/switchbar order) ALT + RIGHT - Cycles one channel forward (according to treebar/switchbar order) CTRL + TAB - Cycles through open channels (in recent history order) CTRL + SHIFT + TAB - Cycles through open channels backwards (in recent history order)