_Added in 1.8.10_ */sockopen [-dent46] [bindip] <name> <address/hostname> <port>* Opens a socket connection to the specified ipaddress/hostname and port. *Switches* -d - The specified IP address is the bind ip address. -e - Creates an SSL connection. -n - Disables the "Nagle algorithm":https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagle%27s_algorithm. -t - *TODO* -4 - Connect to Ipv4 addresses. -6 - Connect to Ipv6 addresses. *Parameters* [bindip] - Bind ip to be used. <name> - Socket connection name. <address/hostname> - Remote ip address or hostname to connect to. <port> - Remote port to connect to. *Example*
alias example {
  ; Initiate a connection with "irc.freenode.org" on port 6669, Secured connection.
  /sockopen -e IRC irc.freenode.org +6697
on *:sockopen:IRC:{
  ; Send our USER and NICK irc commands.
  /sockwrite -n IRC USER Tester $+ $rand(1,100) Test Test:mSL Testing $+ $crlf
  /sockwrite -n IRC NICK Tester $+ $rand(1,100) $crlf
; Show all receiving data in a window.
on *:sockread:IRC:{
  /window -de @IRC
  /var %x
  /sockread %x
  /aline -p @IRC $iif(%x,$v1,-)