Sounds Options » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Per Amundsen, 12/19/2018 03:53 AM) → Revision 8/9 (Per Amundsen, 02/08/2020 05:47 AM)
h1. Sounds Options
[[Tips_Tricks#Disable-highlight-soundbeep|Highlight sound options is set on the highlight word in the highlight options]]
h2. Enable sounds
Enable or disable sounds.
_Sounds can be temporary muted with the %(key)CTRL% + %(key)R% keybind._
h2. Only play if AdiIRC is not focused.
If enabled, sounds will only play if AdiIRC is not the active window.
h2. Play message sounds in active window
If enabled, AdiIRC will play new message sounds in channel/private windows even if the channel/private window has focus.
h2. Temporary mute sounds
If enabled, sounds are muted until [[/mute|unmuted]] or AdiIRC is restarted.
h2. On Event Connect
When a server is connected, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Disconnect
When a server is disconnected, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Join
When a user joins a channel, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Part
When a user part a channel, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Invites
When a user invites you to a channel, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Kick
When a user is kicked from a channel, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Notice
When you receive a notice message, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Part
When a user part a channel, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Dcc Send
When you send a dcc file, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Dcc Chat
When you receive a dcc chat request, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Dcc Chat Message
When you receive a dcc chat message, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Private Message
When your receive a private message, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Channel Message
When someone types a message on a channel, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Buffer
When a new message arrives while you are scrolled up in the message buffer, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Dcc Success
When a dcc transfer is completed successfully, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Dcc Fail
When a dcc transfer failed to complete successfully, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Notify Online
When a user in the Notify list comes online, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Notify Offline
When a user in the Notify list goes offline, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. On Event Open Private Window
When you receive a private message and no window with that nick is open, play a beep/sound or nothing.
h2. Beeps
Number of beeps to play if beep is enabled.
h2. Delay
Delay in milliseconds between each beep.
h2. Sound Folders
Sets the default folders for various media file types used by the [[/splay]] commmand.
_See also [[$mp3dir]], [[$mididir]], [[$wavedir]], [[$sound]], [[$mp3]], [[/splay]]._