h1. Spellcheck AdiIRC includes spellcheck support as of 1.9.6 beta 2014/10/25 using Nhunspell. Steps to enable spellcheck: # Rightclick the Inputbox and select the "Check Spelling" menu, this will install the necessary dll's. # Rightclick the Inputbox and choose Languages -> Add Dictionaries, install the dictionaries you want to use. # Rightclick the Inputbox and choose Languages -> Language you want to use. h1. Downloadable Dictionaries: # af_ZA - Afrikaans (South Africa) # bg_BG - Bulgarian (Bulgaria) # ca_ES - Catalan (Catalan) # cs_CZ - Czech (Czech Republic) # da_DK - Danish (Denmark) # de_AT - German (Austria) # de_CH - German (Switzerland) # de_DE - German (Germany) # el_GR - Greek (Greece) # en_AU - English (Australia) # en_GB - English (United Kingdom) # en_US - English (United States) # en_ZA - English (South Africa) # eo_ALL - Esperanto (All) # es_ES - Spanish (Spain) # et_EE - Estonian (Estonia) # eu-ES - Basque (Basque) # fa_IR - Persian # fi_FI - Finnish (Finland) # fo_FO - Faroese (Faroe Islands) # fr - French # ga_IE - Irish (Ireland) # gd_GB - Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom) # gl_ES - Galician (Galician) # gv_GB - Manx (United Kingdom) # he - Hebrew # hr_HR - Croatian (Croatia) # hu_HU - Hungarian (Hungary) # hy_AM - Armenian (Armenia) # it_IT - Italian (Italy) # ko-KR - Korean (Korea) # ku_TR - Kurdish (Turkey) # lt_LT - Lithuanian (Lithuania) # lv_LV - Latvian (Latvia) # nb - Norwegian (Bokmål) # nl - Dutch # nn - Norwegian (Nynorsk) # pl - Polish # pt_BR - Portuguese (Brazil) # pt_PT - Portuguese (Portugal) # ru_RU - Russian (Russia) # sk_SK - Slovak (Slovakia) # sl_SI - Slovenian (Slovenia) # sv - Swedish # sw_TZ - Swahili (Tanzania) # th_TH - Thai (Thailand) # uk - Ukrainian h1. Manually installing dictionaries. Hunspell combatible dictionaries can be found in many places, if you find one you want, you can manually install it in this folder [[$adiircdir]]\Dict\