
You can use the TAB key in the Editbox (and in various popup dialogs like $? $input to complete various words)

%(key)TAB% - Completes and cycles all channel nicks, if current window is a query window, the nick of the query is used.
nick%(key)TAB% - Completes channel nicks, query nick or your own nick.
$TAB - Evaluates a identifier, eg. $me%(key)TAB% $chan%(key)TAB%.
%TAB - Evaluates a global variable.
#TAB - Completes and cycles all joined channel names, if current window is a channel, the channel name is completed first.
#chanTAB - Completes a joined channel name.
<prefix>nick%(key)TAB% - Completes channel nicks matching the channel prefix and/or nick. (Based on channel prefix received by the server, e.g @+)