*/toolbar [on|off]* */toolbar [-aidmsxkNnNzNebwhyNurctplof[sld]] [N] <name/N> <tooltip> <picfile|@> [x y w h] [/alias] [popfile|@]* *Switches* -a - Add button. -i - TODO -d - Delete button. -m - TODO -s - Add separator. -x - TODO -kN - TODO -nN - TODO -zN - Icon size, 1 = small, 2 = large, 3 = actual. -e - TODO -b - TODO -w - TODO -h - TODO -yN - TODO -u - Update display immediately. -r - TODO -c - TODO -t - Update tooltip. -p - Update picfile. -l - Update alias. -o - Update popupfile. -f - TODO *Parameters* [on|off] - Enables/Disables toolbar, use [[$toolbar]] to determine toolbar status. [N] - Button position to modify. <name/N> - Name or position of button to modify. <tooltip> - Tooltip for the button. <picfile|@> - Icon/Image file to use for the button or pic window name. [x y w h] - TODO [/alias] - Alias command to add to the button. [popfile|@] - popfile = TODO, @name picture window name.