


Topicbox Control » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (Per Amundsen, 07/28/2018 07:17 AM) → Revision 8/10 (Per Amundsen, 07/28/2018 07:23 AM)


 h1. Topicbox 


 The Topicbox shows the current topic on the channel, it can also be used to change the topic if you are a channel operator. 

 h2. Display mode "Show" 

 The Topicbox is by default non sticky, it expands into the necessary number of lines when you click it, and collapses into a single line when the focus is removed. 

 h2. Display mode "Sticky" 

 Sticky mode makes the Topicbox always show the necessary number of lines. 

 Sticky mode can be changed globally in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Windows Options|Windows]] -> [[Windows_Options#Topicbox|Topicbox]] and per channel by right-clicking the Topicbox and select *Show Sticky* or through the [[/topicbox]] command. 


 _Clicking *Set as default* will change the global mode as ell._ 

 h2. Display mode "Off" 

 The Topicbox can be disabled globally in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Windows Options|Windows]] -> [[Windows_Options#Topicbox|Topicbox]] and per channel by right-clicking the Topicbox and select *Off* or through the [[/topicbox]] command. 


 _Clicking *Set as default* will change the global mode as ell._ 

 h2. Editing the channel Topic 

 To edit the channel topic from the Topicbox right-click the Topicbox and click *Unlock*, this puts the Topicbox in a edit mode and you can type/copy/paste and so on. 


 While editing the topic, the text will act as a real time preview when entering [[Formatting_text|control codes]]. 

 _Note, some networks/channels doesn't allow control codes in topics and will remove them._ 

 h2. Customization 

 The colors can be changed in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Colors Options|Colors]] -> Topicbox. 

 The font can be changed in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Fonts Options|Fonts]] or through the [[/font]] command. 

 It's possible to add padding around the Topicbox in [[Options Dialog|Options]] -> [[Fonts Options|Windows]] -> Topicbox padding. 

 It's possible to change colors per channel using the [[/topicbox]] command. 

 h2. Tips 

 Pressing %(key)CTRL% + %(key)Space% opens the Topicbox right-click menu. 

 Nicks, channel names and url links are clickable. 

 h2. Known issues 

 When typing or pasting characters not available in the specified font, they will appear as empty squares for Windows versions below 10.