If enabled, AdiIRC will maximize the first server window added on start.
If enabled, AdiIRC will minimize channel/server/private/tool/custom/panel windows when pressing the close button.
If enabled, AdiIRC will save and restore the size and position of the main window.
If enabled, AdiIRC will save and restore channel/server/private/tool/custom/panel windows.
Enable or disable the Titlebar of the main window.
Disabling the Titlebar will remove the window borders.
If enabled, when you receive a private message and there is no matching private window, AdiIRC will open one.
Enable or disable the Menubar.
If disabled, pressing the ALT key will show it temporary.
See also /menubar.
If enabled, shows the current active windows icon in the Menubar.
Enable or disable the Toolbar.
Can also be enabled/disabled from the Menubar -> View -> Toolbar.
See also /toolbar.
If enabled, AdiIRC will give focus to any new windows, otherwise focus will stay on the current window.
Enable or disable the Switchbar.
Can also be enabled/disabled from the Menubar -> View -> Switchbar.
See also /switchbar.
If enabled, when typing a /msg message and the target window doesn't exists, AdiIRC will open one.
If enabled, opens the Server -> Favorites and Server -> Server history menus in a new server window/tab by default, otherwise opens in the current server window. (SHIFT key can be used to override)
If enabled, middle mouse clicking or pressing SHIFT while left clicking a window in the Treebar/Switchbar.
If enabled, clicking the selected window in the Treebar/Switchbar will hide it and activate the next window.
Changes the main window border style, changing it to none will remove the entire border.
Changes the window border style for undocked windows (windows with "Show On Desktop" enabled), changing it to none will remove the entire border.
If set to "Show", will show a one line Topicbox in channel windows.
If set to "Show Sticky", will show Topicbox expanded to fix the topic in channel windows.
If set to off, Topicbox will be hidden.
If set to automatic, Editbox will automatically resize to fit the text up to half the window size, otherwise it will always show to the chosen number of lines.
Sort windows in the Switchbar/Treebar alphabetically or as they appear.
If set to off, auto tiling will be disabled.
If set to Tile horizontal, AdiIRC will automatically tile windows horizontally.
If set to Tile vertical, AdiIRC will automatically tile windows vertically.
If set to Cascade, AdiIRC will automatically cascade windows.
If set to Arrange, AdiIRC will automatically arrange windows.
Set the text to be shown in channel window titles.
Set the text to be shown in server window titles.
Set the text to be shown in private window titles.
Give certain window types or window names higher priority in the Treebar/Switchbar (so they are displayed before other windows).
Typing a channel name will make that channel window come before other channel windows on that network.
Typing a nick name will make that private window come before other private windows on that network.
Typing a network name will make that server window come before other server windows.