Wine » History » Revision 25
Revision 24 (Per Amundsen, 09/01/2018 10:59 AM) → Revision 25/33 (Per Amundsen, 09/01/2018 10:59 AM)
{{>toc}} h1. Wine Installing AdiIRC in "Wine": on 64 bit Ubuntu and OS X. "Wine": is a Windows compatibility layer which allows you to run many Windows programs on Linux/OS X. "Winetricks": is a script to help you install various Windows components and programs. AdiIRC _AdiIRC does NOT work in "mono": "mono": h2. Install "Wine": On Ubuntu/Debian Type: <pre> apt-get install wine </pre> On OS X type: <pre> # If homebrew is not installed, type /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" # Then install Wine through homebrew brew install wine </pre> h2. Create a 32 bit "Wine": prefix Wine does not allow running 64 bit .NET applications, so you must create a 32 bit wine folder. Type: <pre> WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 winecfg </pre> h2. Download "Winetricks": Type: <pre> wget chmod +x winetricks </pre> h2. Install ".NET": using "Winetricks": If you downloaded the 32 bit .NET 2.0 version of AdiIRC (recommended) type: <pre> WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 ./winetricks dotnet20 </pre> If you downloaded the 32 bit .NET 4.5 version of AdiIRC (not recommended) type: <pre> WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 ./winetricks dotnet45 </pre> h2. Run AdiIRC with "Wine": After .NET is installed, you should be able to run AdiIRC by typing: <pre> WINEPREFIX=~/.wine32 wine AdiIRC.exe </pre>