To connect to a ZNC server through AdiIRC is very easy. Follow the examples bellow:

Connecting by the Server Manager

To open the Server Manager press ctrl + s or go to Menu Server -> Server List.

From 1 to 10, fill the fields as any other regular server, just pay attention to field 3 and 9.

When connected to a server your address will be something like: field1 is field3@host (field4) / nick is user@my.isp.host (realname)

Connecting by direct command

Check the /server wiki for a complete overview of command parameters. Two quick example:

  1. Non SSL:
    /server -m you.znc.net:5708 -p login:password
  2. SSL:
    /server -m you.znc.net:+5708 -p login:password

To connect using SSL, add + to port prefix or use the parameter -ssl.

Ps: for no specified parameters like nick (-i), username (-u), realname (-r), etc, AdiIRC will use the default values set in /quickconnect.

Connecting by script

on *:start: {
  server -m you.znc.net:5708 -p login:password