# 1.8.10 08/10/2012 * Feature #12: Message indenting * Feature #14: Add %cpuload * Feature #16: Away flag and colors in userlists * Feature #19: Add cpu and ram usage bar * Feature #21: Add winamp autoshow song in channels * Bug #23: Rewrite and finish edit toolbar * Feature #29: DCC Chat * Bug #52: Slow responsive window after minimize for a while on Vista * Feature #84: Notify * Feature #120: Fullscreen mode should have a exit fullscreen menu * Feature #122: Add a rightclick option to change encoding, by room or by server * Feature #124: DCC Resume and enhanced transfer dialog * Bug #125: DCC transfers randomly die * Feature #133: Add better ignore functions * Feature #135: Lock adiirc * Feature #179: more option for Logging * Feature #198: Make a line for new messages when tabbed away from channel * Bug #230: Fix customcolors dialog properly * Feature #267: make options widescreen friendly * Bug #299: Nick colors weird after a heap of text * Feature #305: Some log-related function. * Bug #320: Hilight/special color useless bans in banlist * Feature #324: Option to auto-reconnect after kill * Feature #325: Kicked info * Bug #334: AdiIRC crashes on privat messages * Bug #350: Options-Dialog: Warning-Dialog always appears on quit * Feature #369: Make blinking on message optional * Bug #373: Topic title is sliced again * Bug #374: &Nick right click dosent work in channels * Bug #375: Doubleclicking empty userlist area can cause a crash * Bug #376: Lag spikes at connect * Bug #377: CustomColor is not restored in color picker * Bug #378: Sidebar userlist dosen't always update * Bug #379: /quit command closes the client not the server * Bug #380: backbuffer bug or something. * Bug #381: Plugin dll's are not copied when installed * Bug #382: Plugins eating text does not work with scripts * Bug #383: Google search stopped working * Bug #384: /sleep in autocommands doesn't execute * Feature #385: Add option to autoscroll messages to bottom when typing in the inputbox * Bug #386: Highlight can sometimes cause a crash if highlight history is big * Bug #387: Reconnect sometimes causes a crash * Bug #390: Next button on ctrl+F doesnt seem to work * Bug #391: /google not working * Bug #392: Window positions not always saved * Bug #393: Changing window between docked/undocked leaves the undocked window selected * Bug #394: Rawlog improvments * Bug #395: Autoaccept DCC not working * Bug #396: Disconnect button doesn't disconnect * Feature #397: Add option to enable single clicking links * Bug #398: Double click a query window should send whois * Bug #399: dcc menu in querys dosent work * Feature #400: Add new font dialog showing all fonts installed * Feature #401: Add channelist icon in the toolbar * Bug #402: Make default nick the windows login username * Feature #403: Add duckduckgo search engine * Bug #404: Default search engine is not saved * Bug #405: Edit toolbar should be on top * Bug #406: Options loads slow the first time * Bug #408: Installer looses focus on UAC prompt * Feature #409: Add rightclick menu to change network adapter from statusbar * Feature #410: Plugin API Request * Bug #411: Portion of URI/URL including and after exclamation mark "!" character is not sent to browser or clipboard * Feature #413: Move UTF8 option closer to start in encoding menu * Bug #414: ContextMenu cannot be shown on an invisible control * Feature #415: Add option to auto update on startup for beta * Bug #416: Add suspend/resume support * Bug #417: Add send delay option to avoid excess flood * Bug #418: Make URL Association work without admin rights * Bug #419: Sorting by size in log is sorting wrong * Feature #420: Add rightclick menu to toggle statusbar items * Bug #433: AdiIRC doesn't write 'Show in active Window'-settings away in config file. * Support #457: DCC receive never completes, always connection fail at 99% * Support #460: german letter support, links not working for doubleclick