# 1.9.6 * Feature #1140: /copy command * Bug #1593: Default query invite to channel menu doesn't work * Bug #1594: Channel password is not restored properly when using bnc's * Bug #1595: /window -k0 does not remove the @ from the titlebar on new windows * Bug #1596: /window -kXX is not validated correctly * Bug #1597: On join channel modes * Bug #1599: Overflowing buttons when moving/resizing Switchbar doesn't always work correctly * Bug #1600: Always on top status should be saved across sessions * Bug #1601: $keyval returns wrong value * Bug #1602: Add missing identifier $keychar * Bug #1603: $read(,n) should return a random line * Bug #1604: /slap allow multiple nicks * Bug #1605: Color dialog is not returning focus to inputbox when mainform is "on top" * Bug #1606: /close should only close windows on current connection * Feature #1607: /close add new parameter -a for closing windows on all connections * Feature #1608: Add support for numeric rbg color value and html color value in the config file * Bug #1609: /query should not open a new window when multiple nicks is defined * Feature #1610: Add right click channel menuitem Nicklist -> Reset Default * Feature #1611: /nicklist add new parameter -f * Bug #1612: Right click channel -> Background -> Set as Default causes a crash * Bug #1613: Right click channel -> Background -> Select uses wrong image layout * Feature #1614: Allow alt + mouse click/move to move the main window when there is no Titlebar * Bug #1615: Undocked windows are not restoring window state correctly * Bug #1616: Toggling Treebar folders on/off resets the new message color * Bug #1617: Numpad numbers should not close color form in Channel Editor * Bug #1618: Previous Treebar Folders expands when changing folder * Feature #1619: Add option to override windows theme and set Menubar/Toolbar/Switchbar/Statusbar/MonitorPanels colors * Feature #1620: Add Lock Bars menu item in panel tabs menu * Feature #1621: Add ctrl + numpad0 to reset font size in channel windows * Bug #1623: Toolbar cpu/mem monitor should be transparent to the background image * Bug #1624: Disable docking of undocked monitor panel if Lock Bars is enabled * Bug #1625: Changing the input language switches back to the previous one after typing a few characters * Bug #1626: Subitems in empty menuitems are displayed incorrectly * Bug #1627: Channel background image should be updated immediately * Bug #1628: Disable color popup dialog in read only textboxes * Bug #1629: Allow merging menus if previous and current menu name is the same * Bug #1630: .setconfig .setoption should quiet the output * Bug #1631: Replacing text in Script Editor selects the wrong text * Bug #1632: Allow only one copy option can cause a ghost window to appear * Bug #1633: $submenu sometimes causes a endless loop * Bug #1634: Clearing a picture window linked to a toolbar button causes a crash * Bug #1635: Toggle nicklist in Treebar can sometimes cause a crash * Bug #1636: Add ctrl + i keybind for Script Editor to invert the script list selection * Bug #1637: Remove [] brackets from whois and channel info messages * Bug #1638: Toggle Treebar folders on/off removes custom/fav icons * Bug #1639: /background does not update custom background image menus * Bug #1640: Typing nick search in Nicklist with no scrollbar causes some nicks to be hidden * Bug #1641: Time variable %ff is displayed incorrectly * Bug #1642: Background images -> Stretch should keep aspect ratio * Bug #1643: Quick connect servers are filled incorrectly from the serverlist * Bug #1644: /server add missing parameter -z * Feature #1645: Add CTRL + SPACE keybind for opening contextmenu in inputbox/topicbox/script editor * Feature #1646: Add realtime spellcheck support using Nhunspell * Bug #1647: $ial().user should return ident * Bug #1648: $ial() add new property .realname * Bug #1649: /editbox [window] is not working properly * Bug #1650: /names target window and color is wrong * Bug #1651: Message colors are not updated immediately * Bug #1652: /paths add new parameter -i * Feature #1653: Inputbox font * Feature #1654: Disable sound on focus * Support #1655: Change window caption * Bug #1656: Color options position reset * Bug #1659: /titlebar should save/restore the title to the config file * Bug #1661: Restored window position and size * Bug #1662: $myident doesn't work in window titles * Bug #1663: Add missing dialog event "active" * Bug #1664: Remove boldify from topic * Bug #1665: Panel form windows should save/restore docked status/size/position * Bug #1666: Statusbar items are not restored correctly if options is saved with Statusbar off * Bug #1667: Alt + f4 should close current active form, not mainform * Bug #1668: Incorrect UNICODE support on greek language * Bug #1670: Hidden Nicklist can sometimes cause a crash * Bug #1671: Toggling Nicklist autohide, should hide the Nicklist at once * Bug #1672: Links doesn't work if Nicklist is hidden * Bug #1673: Default Treebar font is not applied on startup * Bug #1674: Hide now playing menu's unless a song is playing * Bug #1675: $snick sometimes returns wrong value if no nicks is selected in the Nicklist * Bug #1676: Italic fixedsys font is displayed incorrectly * Bug #1677: $color $colour /color /echo -c does not always find the correct color * Bug #1678: Changing Nicklist size in options should override all manually resized Nicklist's * Bug #1679: $replacex returns wrong value with multiple inputs * Bug #1680: Underline doesn't work properly with links in Topicbox * Bug #1681: Nicklist prefix colors/fonts should be visible on custom/random nick colors as well * Feature #1682: Add option to enable/disable Nicklist prefix color * Bug #1683: Nicklist voice color doesn't work * Bug #1684: Day changed message can cause a crash with certain windows open * Bug #1685: Add owner/protected font and colors for Nicklist/Treebar * Bug #1686: Draw focus rectangle on selected color in Options -> Color * Bug #1687: Pressing enter on a selected item in Options -> Colors should open the choose color dialog * Bug #1688: Topicbox colors should invert the same way messages does * Bug #1689: /did -o does not work for text labels * Bug #1690: Dialog id range does not work with dialog events * Bug #1691: Invalid spaced brackets sometimes evaluates regardless * Bug #1692: $readini add missing parameters n and p * Bug #1693: Identifier warning is sometimes shown incorrectly * Bug #1694: Whois "has been idle" displays incorrect idletime if idletime is less than 1 second * Bug #1695: Typing nick characters in Nicklist causes Nicklist to scroll to far * Bug #1696: Add unlimited border size * Bug #1697: Add unlimited line marker size * Feature #1698: Add option to set Topicbox and Editbox font * Bug #1699: /titlebar shouldn't allow empty titles * Bug #1700: /titlebar @window should include the window name * Bug #1701: Add color and font settings for tray tips * Bug #1702: $myhost doesn't work in window titles * Bug #1704: $window() add missing properties .bw .bh * Bug #1705: Server Disconnect/Connect menus should be enabled/disabled depending on current server connected status * Bug #1706: Connect button should open a empty server window if no there is no open servers windows * Feature #1707: Viewlog Add "Save As" rightclick menu * Bug #1708: No focus on Inputbox border * Feature #1709: Add new feature Right align nicks/resizeable nick colum with options in message area * Feature #1710: /echo /echox Add new parameter -u for unmarking the first word as a prefix for rigth align nicks/nick column * Bug #1711: Whitespace before a link should not be clickable * Bug #1712: Single click links doesn't work in Topicbox * Bug #1713: Add contextmenu in Options -> Colors to allow copy/paste/reset colors * Support #1714: Restore query windows * Bug #1715: Show a warning the first time sound mute is enabled/disabled through ctrl + r * Bug #1716: $server and $nick is empty in on DISCONNECT event * Bug #1718: $strip is not stripping reverse character * Bug #1719: Windows settings is not saved properly when using /part * Bug #1720: Add new command /nickcolumn * Bug #1721: MTS themes channel topics is displayed in the status window * Bug #1722: Add option to show network name and/or nick name on Switchbar status windows * Feature #1723: Add new MTS event ClientText * Bug #1724: Add option to show server info/ssl info in Statusbar * Bug #1725: $servertarget $lactivecid $status returns wrong value in some cases * Bug #1726: /timer is not always associated with the correct server * Bug #1727: Server Notices should be shown in notice panel as well * Bug #1728: Mdi border is wrong when Showing/Removing Titlebar * Bug #1729: on ACTIVE should trigger when main window get's focus as well * Feature #1730: Add new identifier $keylocked * Bug #1731: on TEXT identifiers using $1- in the message parameter doesn't work * Bug #1732: Rename Inputbox to Editbox everywhere * Feature #1733: Add option to show/hide icon in Menubar * Bug #1734: Nick tips are showing the wrong nick name * Bug #1735: Highlight flash message and tip message times are not restored properly in edit highlights dialog * Bug #1736: Some identifiers returns incorrect values in menu's * Bug #1738: $window Add missing parameter support for -1 -2 -3 * Feature #1739: Show usermodes on Statusbar nick label * Bug #1740: Global hotkey is not working properly * Feature #1741: Add option Enable Menubar in Options -> Windows * Feature #1742: Create option tab for Switchbar in Options * Feature #1743: Add option to set single or multiline Switchbar * Bug #1744: If marker line is visible when pressing Ctrl + L, Scrollbar should scroll to bottom * Bug #1745: New version text in Update Form should automatically adjust * Feature #1746: /options add new parameter -t for setting selected tab * Feature #1747: Add option and menu to set Switchbar font * Bug #1748: /background should save background images for Menubar/Statusbar etc * Feature #1749: Add right click menu to set background image for Menubar/Toolbar/Switchbar/Statusbar * Bug #1750: Preload $cpuload to avoid it hanging on first run * Feature #1751: Add right click menu to set Menubar/Toolbar/Statusbar font * Feature #1752: Add Nicklist buttons editor * Bug #1753: Changing font in Treebar sometimes causes a graphic glitch * Feature #1754: Add new event Server Notices in Options -> Events * Bug #1755: Options -> Events -> Notice should be "In Active" by default * Bug #1756: /background Added missing parameter -e * Bug #1757: Channel modes incorrectly include channel prefix modes * Feature #1758: Add new sound event Buffer * Bug #1759: /nick on disconnected servers does not update the nick in the statusbar * Feature #1760: Add right click menu to set dock position for Menubar/Toolbar/Switchbar * Bug #1761: Background Image layout of Menubar/Toolbar/Switchbar/Statusbar should be tiled * Bug #1762: Delete file in Edit Aliases/Nicklist buttons should restore defaults * Feature #1763: Consolidate font chooser into one dialog, allow resetting font to default value * Bug #1764: Mark As Read/Mark Server As Read menus should be disabled if all windows are read * Bug #1765: $replace/$replacex should show a error when using uneven amount of parameters * Bug #1766: $bindip().ip returns wrong value * Bug #1767: Ctrl + R in script editor should not toggle mute sounds * Bug #1768: Reopening a closed mdi docked panel causes a crash * Bug #1769: Channel titlebar caption * Bug #1770: $nick is $null on ACTIVE and on CLOSE event * Bug #1771: Some variables are not unset on server disconnect * Bug #1772: Event options for /names doesn't work * Bug #1773: Changing background color in Editbox/Topicbox sometimes leaves a unpainted border * Bug #1774: $did add missing properties .selstart .selend .visible .enabled .isid .next .prev * Bug #1775: on OPTIONS should be called every time the config file is changed * Bug #1776: $timer().reps returns wrong value * Bug #1777: Add new keybind Shift + F5 to reload a script and send on LOAD event in Script Editor * Bug #1778: Disabled dialog text items are painted with wrong color * Bug #1779: /window +borders should prioritize the first chosen border * Bug #1780: Pressing escape on a desktop custom window should close it * Feature #1781: Allow identifiers in default part message to be evaluated * Bug #1782: Highlights regex doesn't work * Feature #1783: Add new identifier $font * Bug #1784: Regain nick should not try to regain empty pref nicks * Bug #1785: Channel prefix should not be added if there is already a prefix in irc// links * Bug #1786: Editbox does not maintain double line setting when window is resized * Bug #1787: $findfile $finddir " should be removed from path * Bug #1788: Scripted menu's does not work when /remote is off * Bug #1789: Options split width is not restored properly * Bug #1790: /logs should not show "Searching.." when there is no logs * Bug #1791: Serverlist should have scrollbars when needed * Bug #1792: Toolbar button background should apply to custom buttons and Edit Toolbar buttons as well * Support #1793: tildel farver med hex * Bug #1794: /window -h /window -w should not hide a Status Window from Treebar * Bug #1795: /dde $dde should be unicode * Bug #1796: /notify -r should remove the nick from the Notify monitor panel * Bug #1797: Tool popup window should adjust size automatically based on content and screen size * Feature #1798: Add new identifier $screenshot * Bug #1799: $feof returns wrong value * Bug #1800: Scripts in Script Editor should only be saved when there is a change * Feature #1801: /edit add new parameter -i * Feature #1802: Add new command /mute * Bug #1803: Menus are not working in picture windows * Bug #1804: /window -a should show the window if it's hidden * Bug #1805: $submenu items are not always validated correctly * Bug #1806: on APPACTIVE is not always triggered correctly * Bug #1807: alias keybindings is not working in undocked channel windows * Bug #1808: Right clicking on a color in Options -> Color should focus the color grid * Bug #1809: Dialog text items are sometimes created as multiline when they shouldn't * Bug #1810: Add new identifier $muted * Bug #1811: All UI elements should be DPI aware * Bug #1812: Ctrl+Tab/Ctrl+Shift+Tab/Alt+left/right should ignore minimized windows * Bug #1813: $fread add missing parameters M &binvar * Bug #1814: $fopen $fread $fgetc if name is a number, index in name list should be used * Feature #1815: /window add new parameter -qN * Bug #1816: New script is not focused when script sidebar is hidden * Bug #1817: $tip(0) returns wrong value * Bug #1818: /tip -c 0 does not work * Feature #1819: Add option to show Nicklist Tooltips with text parsed as scripts * Bug #1820: /showmirc /showadiirc -s should restore window from tray * Feature #1821: /window add new parameter -QN * Bug #1822: $newnick returns wrong value * Bug #1823: /sockwrite should be executed after the script ends, and only one on SOCKWRITE event should be triggered * Bug #1824: /window -a should show/focus main window as well * Bug #1825: Font dialog dropdown should only trigger on typed characters * Feature #1826: Add new identifier $lineheight * Bug #1827: Re-Add image transparency to mdi image * Bug #1828: Scrolling is slow when using big background images * Feature #1829: Add option to show fake transparency to windows desktop * Bug #1830: $window().dx $window().dy sometimes returns wrong values * Feature #1831: Add option to show fake transparency to mdi in nicklist * Bug #1832: Reduce amount of GDI objects to not crash when joining many channels * Bug #1833: Disable drag/drop support on read only Topicbox * Bug #1834: Disable keybinds for font/colors tags in readonly Topicbox * Bug #1835: $sock add missing properties .sq .rq * Bug #1836: Highlight tip shows the wrong title * Feature #1837: Add tripple click support for textboxes * Bug #1838: /window @ is not allowed * Bug #1839: $highlight(N) should ignore decimal numbers * Bug #1840: /viewlog scroll position are sometimes reset when minimizing the log window * Bug #1841: $cid and $wid and related identifiers/properties should be a incremental number * Bug #1842: Allow @<$wid> in window related commands/identifiers * Bug #1843: $highlight() should strip colors/font tags before comparing * Bug #1844: $highlight().color $highlight().sound returns wrong value * Bug #1845: Nickcolor/highlight color dropdown is missing last color * Feature #1846: blowfish 10 for adiirc * Bug #1847: Searchbox should be disabled in picture windows * Bug #1848: Escape should close the search box if visible in custom windows * Bug #1849: Add missing command /flushini * Bug #1850: $window() add @wildcard support * Bug #1851: /close -@ wildcard is not working * Bug #1852: Plugins should be listed in the plugin manager even if it throws an error on install * Feature #1853: Add right click menu Open Folder in plugin manager * Feature #1854: /fakeraw add new parameter %var * Bug #1855: /toolbar add missing parameter @menu * Bug #1856: /toolbar add missing parameter -o * Bug #1857: Escape should close search box in log viewer * Feature #1858: Add new identifier $bname to be used in toolbar menus * Bug #1859: $regex $regsub $regsubex add \cc \cb \co custom markers * Bug #1860: /echo -n should not flash the Switchbar/Treebar icon * Feature #1861: Add ONKEYDOWN and ONKEYUP event for channels and queries * Bug #1862: Some identifiers querying nicklist can cause a crash if nicklist is modified while querying * Bug #1863: /echo -l can cause a crash on custom windows * Bug #1864: $mouse.key sometimes returns wrong value * Feature #1865: Allow using halt in events KEYDOWN and KEYUP to override built in keybinds * Feature #1866: Change all links, update checks, search engines etc to use SSL links * Bug #1867: Menubar should re-hide when focus is lost, if Menubar is set to hidden * Bug #1868: on CLOSE event should trigger when channel windows are closed as well * Feature #1870: /nicklist add new parameter -b * Bug #1871: /debug add missing parameters * Bug #1872: $chr(160) should not be trimmed from scripts * Bug #1873: Add missing identifier $debug * Bug #1874: Add missing command /mdi * Bug #1875: Switchbar/Treebar colors and window blinking is sometimes not reset when AdiIRC is focused * Bug #1878: $mp3() sometimes returns wrong values * Bug #1879: /server port should be validated for valid range * Bug #1880: $chan(invalidchannel) should return same value as $chan(0) * Bug #1881: /window -c should not show a warning if window doesn't exist * Bug #1882: /say should be validated * Bug #1883: /splay play pos doesn't work * Bug #1884: $chan add missing properties .wid .cid .hwnd .idle * Bug #1885: $chan add support for @ * Bug #1886: Add missing identifiers $starting $exiting * Bug #1887: Add missing identifier $envvar * Bug #1888: /close add support for -@ @ * Bug #1889: /splay add missing queue system * Bug #1890: Add missing event on MP3END * Bug #1891: /savebuf is not saving the correct items * Bug #1892: /dline allow N- lines * Bug #1894: Timestamp 'Period' wrong at noon * Bug #1895: $disk(unknown drive) should return $false * Bug #1896: Show last X messages in a query with same username as channel * Feature #1897: Per-channel options like Font and Events * Bug #1898: /list modes are not parsed correctly on all networks * Bug #1899: Restore logs crashes on certain nicks and channels * Feature #1900: Add F5 keybind in Plugins Manager to reload plugins list * Feature #1901: /close add new parameter -p * Bug #1902: WM_MCOMMAND and WM_MEVALUATE is not working properly * Bug #1903: Allow wildcards in @mouse events * Bug #1904: Trayicon tooltip text should use the /titlebar text and should show connected servers and channels * Feature #1907: Add option to show/hide top panel in script editor * Bug #1909: Re-docking a window to a minimized mainwindow, should restore windowstate as the current windows * Bug #1910: Window location/size should be validated when docking/undocking * Bug #1911: 1st network name in treebar disappears when scrolled past a certain point * Bug #1912: $1- dclick: in listbox should return the line number * Bug #1914: No ÅÄÖ from some users * Bug #1915: $calc add floor divide operator // * Bug #1916: $regex/$regsub/$regsubex is sometimes slow * Bug #1918: $dde(,channels) should return channels from all networks, active channel should be marked with a * * Bug #1919: Looking up hostname should change the Toolbar icon and Titlebar text to connecting * Bug #1920: /filter with only one target switch is not working correctly * Bug #1921: $rgb(name) returns wrong value * Bug #1922: empty $exist() should return $false * Bug #1923: $bvar should not trim newlines * Bug #1924: $hget() items can be a number * Bug #1925: /dialog dclick event is not working for links * Bug #1926: Halting some identifiers using $$ doesn't work * Bug #1927: /did -o replacing the first line does not work * Bug #1928: Channel editor topic keybinds should be disabled in read only mode * Bug #1929: Channel editor escape should close the color dialog * Bug #1930: Unescaped timestamps interferes with message linecolors * Feature #1931: Add option to set pixel spacing between messages * Feature #1932: Add new operator isurl !isurl * Bug #1934: /window should focus editbox on desktop windows * Bug #1935: Theme cache should use spaces for indentation * Bug #1936: /encoding is not validated properly * Bug #1937: /alias deleting alias doesn't work * Bug #1938: Text selection selects the wrong text when the buffer is full and a new line is added * Bug #1939: $com $comcall method DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT does not work * Bug #1940: $com().result $comcall().result sometimes returns wrong value * Bug #1941: Rawlog should use the toolicon * Bug #1942: Add missing identifier $comchar * Bug #1943: $window() add missing property .idle * Bug #1944: /echo -l should use the first word as highlight nick * Feature #1945: Add option to set left message border * Bug #1946: Uclick event should only trigger on left mouse button * Bug #1947: /drawtext with negative x y values doesn't work * Feature #1948: /clearall should clear dock panels as well * Feature #1949: /clearall add new parameter -p * Bug #1950: /drawpic filename is not validated correctly * Bug #1951: Allow multiline comments in menus * Bug #1952: /did -g N does not work * Bug #1953: Searching text can in some cases cause a crash * Bug #1954: Changing window from the tray icon menu doesn't work sometimes * Bug #1955: $style doesn't work in $submenu * Feature #1956: Allow selecting links when pressing shift without opening it when single click links is enabled * Bug #1957: /alias should use default aliases when alias file is missing * Feature #1958: $dockpanels add new property .wid * Bug #1959: Custom font size is not restored in font dialog * Feature #1960: Add CTRL + I, CTRL + C keybinds in channel list * Bug #1961: $uptime should return uptime in seconds since server was connected * Bug #1962: $rgb with negative decimals returns wrong values * Feature #1963: Add support for bold/italic/underline in all fonts * Bug #1964: $regex $regsub $regsubex \xN doesn't work * Bug #1965: Dcc transfers/chat request window should not block incoming messages * Bug #1966: MTS Themes should not show empty part/quit messages etc * Bug #1967: [] Brackets is not always parsed correctly in MTS themes * Bug #1968: Pageup/pagedown in a custom window without a textarea causes a crash * Feature #1969: /clear add new parameter -o * Bug #1970: Typing a message in multiple languages causes a StackOverflowException * Bug #1971: Add new keybind ctrl + alt + left/right to cycle tabs including minimized windows * Feature #1972: $window add new property .fontunderline * Bug #1973: /editbox add missing parameters -f -v * Feature #1974: Allow using exe file icon as custom icons * Bug #1975: Sometimes a nick appears twice in the nicklist with different nick casing * Feature #1976: Add option to set more lines in Editbox * Bug #1977: Changing editbox lines sometimes doesn't reset the height * Bug #1978: Scrollbar settings should apply to Server/Channel monitor as well * Bug #1979: Channel topic is not properly reset when rejoining a channel * Bug #1980: /server -j #channel password does not work * Bug #1981: Allow pasting multiple lines into single line Editbox * Bug #1982: Show a confirmation dialog when trying to paste more than five lines into a single line Editbox * Feature #1983: Add new identifier $tips() * Bug #1984: Delay track away status on connect to avoid connection lag * Bug #1985: Don't allow // //$ //% evaluations in Editbox * Bug #1986: $var(*) does not work, $var().local/$var().secs returns wrong value * Bug #1987: /echo N+ should be ignored * Bug #1988: Remove shift + select keybind for selecting text + colors, use ctrl + select instead