# 1.9.7 * Feature #11: Unread highlights counter * Feature #85: Update system should be able to download multiple files * Feature #104: Emoticon support * Feature #552: Add option to set Nicklist icons * Feature #1564: Supporting SSL Client Certificate authentication * Feature #1657: Add emotions/smileys support to the AdiIRC * Bug #1906: Status button, network / ZNC * Feature #1917: Per channel max buffer * Bug #1989: $timer().reps still returns wrong value * Bug #1990: Installing a plugin can cause a crash if a plugin failed to install * Bug #1991: Options -> Colors -> Grid should be focused after pasting a color * Bug #1992: $highlight().color should return the message color 16 if no color is set * Feature #1993: /window add new parameter -Z to reset icon to default * Bug #1995: Temp files are not properly deleted after a failed write * Bug #1996: Treebar background settings should be disabled, not Switchbar * Bug #1997: $myhost returns wrong value in some windows * Bug #1998: Typing umlaut characters really fast doesn't always work * Bug #1999: Statusbar items should be transparent to the background image * Bug #2000: /google -n crashes * Bug #2001: /timerNAME should display information only for this timer * Bug #2002: Opening options sometimes causes a crash on Wine * Feature #2003: Add new identifier $windowtitle * Bug #2004: $hget().item returns wrong value * Bug #2005: Dockoptions should only be saved on exit * Bug #2006: Tab completion does not work in single line Editbox * Feature #2007: Add aleft aright atop abottom anchor properties for all dialog items * Bug #2008: Dialog should check for duplicate items and halt on errors * Bug #2009: Translated text doesn't fit in Options dialog * Bug #2010: Doubleclicking window icon should close the window * Feature #2011: /hload add new parameter -m * Bug #2012: /names output to channels doesn't work * Bug #2013: Channel list -> join channel field should validate channel prefix * Bug #2014: /echo can cause a crash when using -sa parameters * Bug #2015: $disk(N) should return $false if no disk is found * Bug #2016: $mkfn() sometimes returns wrong value * Bug #2017: /titlebar should only be saved to config file on exit * Bug #2018: /window -e uses wrong line count * Bug #2019: /drawtext background color should be transparent * Bug #2020: /alias is not validated correctly * Feature #2021: Add option to show unread message count on Treebar * Feature #2022: Backup and write variables/options/server files to a temp file before copying to ensure no file corruption * Bug #2023: /help does not always search keywords correctly * Feature #2024: Add menu item to clear server history * Feature #2025: Rename Statusbar sound status -> mute status to avoid confusions * Bug #2026: Channel prefix is not always taken into consideration on some networks * Bug #2027: $regex $regsub $regsubex add missing modifier /S * Bug #2028: $regex $regsub $regsubex should match on ascii text by default * Bug #2029: $regex $regsub $regsubex /U modifiers is not always working properly * Bug #2030: $regsub $regsubex \t \0 sometimes returns wrong values * Bug #2031: Global hotkey doesn't work sometimes * Bug #2032: Typing invalid keys in global hotkey causes a crash * Bug #2033: $regsub $regsubex \N tokens is not returning correct result when using /g modifier * Bug #2034: /echo -e should not trigger buffer beep * Bug #2035: Add missing command /resetidle * Feature #2036: Add new keybind ALT + X to toggle channel window maximized * Bug #2037: Rename /anick to /allnick * Bug #2038: Add new/missing commands /anick /mnick /fullname /realname /usernick /emailaddr /identd * Bug #2039: Add missing command /timestamp and timestamps per window * Bug #2040: $compress $decompress is not working correctly and should write directly to a file instead of memory * Feature #2041: /echo add new parameter -v * Bug #2042: /ban -r [type] is not working properly * Bug #2043: /userhost should update $ial information * Bug #2044: Toolwindow does not always adjust size correctly * Bug #2045: Add missing feature access list and associated commands/identifiers $ulist $clevel $ulevel $dlevel $level /dlevel /auser /ruser /rlevel /ulist /iuser /guser * Feature #2046: /edit add new parameter -u * Feature #2047: Add new keybinds ctrl + n/ctrl + q to cycle channels/queries * Feature #2048: Add new keybind ctrl + m/ctrl + alt + m to go to next unread window * Feature #2049: Add new command /nextunread * Bug #2050: $ial() $ialchan() should ignore users without userhost * Bug #2051: $window().logfile returns wrong value on server windows * Bug #2052: $nick is not properly passed down from event to alias * Bug #2053: /hsave is not validated properly * Bug #2054: $regex $regsub $regsubex \xN still doesn't work properly * Bug #2055: /echo @ is not working properly * Bug #2056: Disable autofocus editbox does not work * Bug #2057: Color tags are not always padded correctly * Bug #2058: /debug -i is not working properly * Feature #2059: $nick() add new property .joined * Feature #2060: Add option to set bottom border in text area * Feature #2061: Add new identifier $imagechar * Feature #2062: /echo add new parameter -wN * Feature #2063: Add new colorchar for unlimited colors * Bug #2064: $findfile $finddir does not always work properly * Bug #2065: /writeini /remini does not work properly with quoted filenames * Bug #2067: $read Identifier Issue * Bug #2068: Plugin File Dialog Crash * Support #2069: Options Windows invisible * Bug #2070: $round with commas doesn't work properly * Bug #2071: $ceil $floor $round should ignore non number characters * Feature #2072: Add ctrl +/ctrl -/ctrl 0 zoom keybinds for logs, monitor panels and rawlog * Bug #2073: debug.txt is not working * Bug #2074: Unread message count should not update when a desktop window has focus * Bug #2075: Highlights is not matching all words in a message * Bug #2076: $nofile returns double back slashes * Bug #2077: $replacex with pipes causes a crash * Bug #2078: Merging log files is slow * Bug #2079: /window -k is not validated correctly * Bug #2080: $screenshot can cause a crash if no rectangle is selected * Bug #2081: /sysinfo /diskinfo $disk can cause a crash if a network drive is not working * Bug #2082: ":" should be stripped from raw 304 and 219 * Bug #2083: Pressing Home key on very long wrapped lines in script editor causes a crash * Feature #2084: Add notification for changing opacity using keybinds * Bug #2085: Treebar networks should be expanded by default * Bug #2086: $longip(N) is not working * Bug #2087: $iptype should only check for dotted ipv4 addresses * Bug #2088: Multi line Edit Aliases are not saved correct * Bug #2089: WM_MCOMMAND and WM_MEVALUATE should stop reading a first null byte * Feature #2090: Allow $nick in perform/autocommands field * Bug #2091: Dde connections are not closed properly * Bug #2092: $com/$comcall double values are not formatted correctly * Bug #2093: Word wrapping is not wrapping correctly in some cases * Bug #2094: Opening a new logfile should restore the logform if minimizeed * Feature #2095: Add option to lock nick column * Bug #2096: When there is multiple aliases with the same name, the first alias found should be used * Bug #2097: Switchbar -> Events fields in unsaved channels have wrong default value * Bug #2098: Word wrapping is slow and uses too much memory * Bug #2099: Incoming /dde requests should be associated with the Status Window * Bug #2100: /splay should close the file if it cannot be played * Bug #2101: /splay -q should play immediately if there is no sounds playing * Bug #2102: /echo @window parameter should be ignored when -s or -a is specified * Bug #2103: $window add missing parameters @wildcard, N * Bug #2104: $bits should return app bits, readd $osbits for operating system bits * Bug #2105: Add missing command /ebeeps * Feature #2106: Add new identifier $wmiquery(query, N, key) * Bug #2107: /window -o should bring the window to front * Bug #2108: Using Alt + move mouse on a borderless window should not select text in the window * Feature #2109: Allow unicode domain name characters in links * Bug #2110: $1- and $snicks does not work correctly with nicklist buttons * Feature #2111: Add new identifier $loop(N, M, text) * Bug #2112: Hunspell crashes should not crash AdiIRC * Bug #2113: $timer().cid returns wrong value * Feature #2114: Add rename/save as menu on new scripts in script editor * Bug #2115: Allow $logdir without spaces * Bug #2116: Should not disconnect when receiving a QUIT after changing host/cloaking * Bug #2117: $chantypes default value is not always correct * Bug #2118: Log files/config folders with network paths does not work * Bug #2119: Clicking a channel name in a log file should open the channel on current active server * Bug #2120: $envvar() add missing properties .name .value * Bug #2121: on PART timers are not associated with the correct server * Feature #2122: Add support for ircv3 extensions tags,znc.in/server-time[-iso] and server-time * Bug #2123: Add missing identifiers $msgstamp $msgtags * Bug #2125: Add missing event on PARSELINE and /parseline alias, $parseline $parsetype $parseutf * Bug #2126: /echo -c "color text" doesn't work * Feature #2127: Allow tabbing own nick in status and query windows * Bug #2128: Add missing identifier $sysdir * Feature #2129: $rgb add new property .hex * Bug #2130: Add missing identifiers $sha256 $sha384 $sha512 * Bug #2131: /window +ts should show titlebar * Feature #2132: Add menuitem Tools -> Config Files to open the config folder * Bug #2133: $noqt should only remove the first and last quotes * Bug #2134: $color(N) returns incorrect decimal value * Feature #2135: Add new identifiers $prefixuser $prefixemote $prefixsys $prefixctcp * Bug #2136: % should be stripped from $timestampfmt * Bug #2137: Rejoining a channel with password, does not always work * Bug #2138: $nick is sometimes $null in raw events where it shouldn't be * Bug #2139: Remove unnecessary identifiers $datediff $datematch $now $floop $frand * Bug #2140: Refresh monitor system information when a monitor is added/removed or resolution changes * Bug #2141: Add html encode/decode for • * Bug #2142: PONG messages without a leading hostname doesn't work * Bug #2143: Hide/Show event settings per channel is not saved/restored correctly * Bug #2144: Add missing identifiers $email, $banlist, $onlineserver, $onlinetotal, $regbr, $eventid, $channel * Feature #2145: Add option to auto tile windows * Bug #2146: Dialog "icon" items is not added correctly * Bug #2147: /echo without -m should not trigger a highlight in query windows * Bug #2148: $hotlinepos returns incorrect value * Bug #2149: Mouseover the blank area between timestamp and nickcolum should not trigger as a link * Bug #2150: Add missing identifier $hotlink * Bug #2151: Relative paths are sometimes not replaced correctly * Bug #2152: /diskinfo /sysinfo crashes with a space at the end * Bug #2153: Channel background images with transparency in tiled mode doesn't work * Bug #2154: /window -ah should not activate the window * Feature #2155: Add context menus to the MDI area * Feature #2156: Allow double clicking a theme in theme editor to Apply it * Bug #2157: Use Theme button should be disabled when Current theme is selected in theme editor * Feature #2158: Add new identifier $osidle * Bug #2159: /clear sometimes causes a crash when clearing picwins in use by Toolbar * Bug #2162: When strip control codes is enabled. your own control codes should not be stripped * Feature #2163: $remote add new bitflag 8 weither /scripts is enabled or not * Bug #2164: RAW 900 is not parsed correctly * Feature #2165: /menubar add new parameters -a -d -i -h -s -t [N|name] [name|text] * Bug #2166: /toolbar -l is not working properly * Bug #2167: /toolbar -pnN doesn't get the right icon * Bug #2168: /toolbar -a is not validated correctly * Bug #2169: /toolbar aliases are not always evaluated correctly * Bug #2170: /hsave sometimes saves to the wrong path * Bug #2171: Resizing columns in plugins manager causes a graphical glitch * Feature #2172: Add new identifier $menubar(N) * Feature #2173: Allow docking panels to save/restore the column sizes * Bug #2174: /dns -6 prints the ipv4 address instead of ipv6 * Bug #2175: /timer N M is not always validated correctly * Bug #2176: Calling custom aliases from the serverlist perform field doesn't always work * Feature #2177: Allow comments in Nicklist buttons * Bug #2178: $var() is not evaluating parameter properly and $var($null,0) should return $null * Bug #2179: //timer set/inc/dec/unset -parameter %var is not evaluated correctly * Bug #2180: Identifier parameters are sometimes incorrectly passed down * Bug #2181: Menubar should not toggle on/off using ALT if SHIFT or CTRL is pressed * Bug #2182: Treebar/Switchbar sometimes changes the selected window when it's name or text is changed * Bug #2183: $mouse.lb returns wrong value * Bug #2184: $window() with wildcard search returns wrong value for status windows * Feature #2185: Allow edit/add/view statusbar items using /statusbar and $statusbar() * Bug #2186: /query is not validated correctly * Bug #2187: Some large window icons can cause a crash when they are resized * Bug #2188: Add missing dialog event "mouse" * Bug #2189: /toolbar -z is not choosing the right size * Bug #2190: $submenu should have a maximum of 250 submenu items * Bug #2191: Unread linemarker position is incorrect after a line is deleted from the buffer * Feature #2192: Add option to validate/save ssl certificates * Feature #2193: Add option to set Nicklist pixel spacing * Feature #2194: Add option to set selected background/text for messages and Nicklist * Bug #2195: $regsub allow escaping backward slashes * Bug #2196: $regsub $regsubex \N is not replaced properly with $+ \N $+ * Feature #2197: /server add new parameter -forcessl N * Bug #2198: Resizing main window causes the Treebar scrollbar to disappear * Bug #2199: $network returns wrong value in some cases * Bug #2200: $finddir is not working correctly * Bug #2201: $bytes(0,b|kb|mb|gb|tb) should return 0 * Bug #2202: $regex with empty text is not matched correctly * Bug #2203: Highlighted words does not retain previous colors/bold format * Bug #2204: Insert/delete a item into a dialog combo can cause a crash * Bug #2205: RAW 341 and 345 are not parsed correctly * Feature #2206: Statusbar add rightclick menu to set position * Bug #2207: Auto-Update not working properly * Bug #2208: Installer shortcuts should be optional