# 2.7 * Bug #529: MDI Windows are some times "stuck" * Feature #1119: Add channel topic colors in /list dialog * Bug #1282: Log manager should save sort order * Bug #1296: DCC resume does not work * Bug #2715: After using the minimize all windows function, the MDI windows sometime fail to come into focus and weird behaviour * Feature #2983: Channels list needs a "stop/pause" button * Bug #3014: Spellchecking is to slow on some systems * Bug #3036: Notices from memoserv * Feature #3053: Add new identifier $songfile * Bug #3054: hash table size inconsistencies * Feature #3055: Add new argument -ConfigFolder to AdiIRC.exe * Feature #3056: Add checkbox to toggle show password in Serverlist and make nick/alt/fullname/password textboxes wider * Feature #3057: Add new Serverlist tab "Misc" to set Regain nick/User mode/Ban type per server * Bug #3058: Restoring channel logs can sometimes cause a crash * Bug #3059: Statusbar Lag visibility * Bug #3060: Leading/Trailing hyphens should be excluded from spellchecking * Feature #3061: Add option to set scroll to bottom arrow icon * Feature #3062: /icon add new parameter -o * Feature #3063: Add option to limit a highlight match to a specific network only * Feature #3064: $highlight() add new property .network * Feature #3065: Consolidate all font options into a "Fonts" tab * Bug #3066: Unread line marker is not drawn correctly when using pixel spacing * Feature #3067: /options add new parameters -ihcn * Bug #3068: RAW 346.348,367,728 is not formatted correctly * Bug #3069: /toolbar -zN is not selecting the correct sized icon * Bug #3070: Ctrl + H to cycle highlights sometimes stops working * Feature #3071: Add useful right-click menus to Connect/Disconnect/Serverlist/Channelist icons in Toolbar * Feature #3072: Add support for quiet list on some networks in channel editor * Feature #3073: $chan/$channel add new property .iql * Feature #3074: Add new identifier $iql * Feature #3075: Add new operator isquiet * Bug #3076: Clicking Add/Edit dcc folder causes a crash * Feature #3077: Add add/edit address/unset ban timer dialog in channel editor * Feature #3078: Add option to ignore highlights when a message has multiple nicks * Feature #3079: Add new identifier $ocolor * Feature #3080: $editbox add new properties .color/.backcolor/.rgbcolor/.rgbbackcolor * Feature #3081: /editbox add new parameters -c -C * Feature #3082: Add new identifier $topicbox * Feature #3083: $window add new property .topicbox * Bug #3084: Dropdowns in Options dialog should require focus before allow mouse scrolling * Bug #3085: Remove limit for auto away time * Bug #3086: External programs writing to the Editbox when spell cheking is enabled doesn't work * Feature #3087: /dockpanels add new parameter -i * Feature #3088: Add the Treebar monitor panel special rules for Nicklist monitor panel * Feature #3089: Add option to show close icon in Treebar * Feature #3090: Add option to use a flat Treebar * Bug #3091: Docking main window on a non primary monitor doesn't work * Feature #3092: /icon add new parameter -b * Feature #3093: Allow CTRL + SPACE on a selected nick in the Editbox to open the Nicklist context menu * Bug #3094: whois signed on length. * Bug #3095: The serverlist listbox should scroll when dragging networks to the edges * Bug #3096: Allow SHIFT + TAB to focus the Nicklist monitor panel if visible and window Nicklist is off * Feature #3097: Allow SHIFT + TAB to and from Searchbox if visible * Bug #3098: /timers off doesn't work * Bug #3099: Script Editor "Alias" menu sometimes crashes * Bug #3100: "Whois on private message" should not trigger when the message is halted * Feature #3101: Add new command /showmenu * Feature #3102: on ACTIVE allow matching monitor panels/rawlog with ~ prefix * Bug #3103: Nicklist is not properly reset after a bouncer disconnect/reconnect * Bug #3104: /quickconnect should not be shown as a locked dialog * Bug #3105: Serverlist should not allow duplicate channel names * Bug #3106: /hinc /hdec should not reset the unset time * Feature #3107: Add SHIFT + mousewheel hotkey to scroll through windows * Feature #3108: Add new event on MSCROLL * Feature #3109: $window() add new properties .mscrollpos .mscrollmax * Bug #3110: Userhost error should be hidden on networks which doesn't support it * Feature #3111: /echo /echox add new parameters -IN -S -RN * Bug #3112: Invalid lines are not always excluded correctly when parsing a script * Bug #3113: /icon are sometimes not saved to config file * Bug #3114: The Edit Address of ban. * Feature #3115: Dns-pool lookup. * Feature #3116: Allow default quit message to be evaluated per server * Feature #3117: Add option to set custom quit message per server in serverlist * Feature #3118: Channel editor missing unban button * Feature #3119: Add new datagrid to /logs and monitor panels * Feature #3120: Add option to change colors for monitor panels * Bug #3121: /drawtext is not validated correctly with some parameters * Feature #3123: Add new command /linemarker * Feature #3124: /topicbox add new parameters -a -bN -eN -fN -p -v -c -k * Feature #3125: /window add new parameter -T[N] * Feature #3126: Add option to disable smooth scroll in Script Editor * Feature #3127: Show default icon preview in icon options * Bug #3128: Treebar network collapsed status is not saved/restored properly * Bug #3129: Select color dialog should be shown below when opened from Topicbox * Feature #3130: Add option to highlight Treebar network tab when collapsed * Bug #3131: Treebar unread count doesn't always show correctly on server nodes * Bug #3132: $osedition returns wrong value on Windows RT systems * Bug #3133: /showmirc /showadiirc -n should maximize if previous state was maximized * Bug #3134: /alias should not trigger file is modified warning * Bug #3135: CTRL + C doesn't work in filter box in Channel list * Bug #3136: Button placement issues on toolbar * Feature #3137: Add CTRL + SHIFT + K hotkey to insert alternative colorchar in Editbox * Bug #3138: $toolbar(N) doesn't work for the last item * Bug #3139: /toolbar -i should have priority over -a * Feature #3140: /toolbar add new parameter -gN * Bug #3141: Emoticons without triggers should be ignored * Bug #3142: /hsave -i does not properly clear the section before writing * Feature #3143: Add Editbox tab in Options * Bug #3144: Remove all ALT+A, CTRL+ALT+A keybinds since they interfere with some keyboard layouts * Feature #3145: Add menu to disable individual scripts in Script Editor * Bug #3146: Previous selected text are in some cases accidently copied to clipboard * Bug #3147: $asctime(z) returns wrong value on some timezones * Bug #3148: Crash on clicking channel window for unjoined channel * Bug #3149: on CHAT event doesn't always trigger correctly * Bug #3150: Matching chat windows with =nick doesn't work in all events * Bug #3151: /msg /say /query /me /describe doesn't work with =nicks * Bug #3152: $pos $poscs crashes with some values * Bug #3153: $chan # is sometimes $null when not connected to a server * Bug #3154: /did -s doesn't work * Bug #3155: on OPEN/CLOSE doesn't work properly with dcc chats * Bug #3156: Allow =$nick to be evaluated for use in dcc chat windows * Bug #3157: Dcc chat connections are not always closed correctly when the chat window is closed * Feature #3158: Add menu item to clear recent files in Script Editor * Bug #3159: Treebar sometimes does not properly scroll a node into view * Bug #3160: Monitor panel Nicklist has wrong default background color * Feature #3161: Add new identifier $updating * Bug #3162: /load /reload insert doesn't work properly * Bug #3163: Custom windows should not use global Nicklist background image * Bug #3164: $dns(0) returns wrong value with some properties * Bug #3165: on DNS halt default output does not work * Bug #3166: #$input doesn't work * Feature #3167: "Open in external editor" and "Open folder" should open all selected files in Script Editor * Bug #3168: "Save As" and "Rename" menu items should be disabled when multiple files are selected in Script Editor * Bug #3169: on HOTLINK is not triggered properly * Bug #3170: $hotlink add missng/new events rclick,dclick,uclick,mclick * Bug #3171: DCC send/get/resume/accept for filenames with spaces doesn't always work properly * Bug #3172: DCC transfer monitor panel should show the renamed filename * Bug #3173: DCC resume doesn't work if the port was changed * Bug #3174: Add missing command /hotlink * Bug #3175: Pressing Enter key in Nicklist should execute the Options -> Mouse command * Feature #3176: Add new Treebar to Options, Themes, Script Editor, Serverlist, Rawlog * Feature #3177: /editbox add new parameter -i * Feature #3178: Add new identifier $emoticons * Feature #3179: /url add new parameter -w * Feature #3180: Add CTRL + C hotkey and menu item to copy the selected scripts path to clipboard in Script Editor * Feature #3181: Add option to show close icons in Script Editor * Bug #3182: Tabcomplete crashes when trying to tabcomplete some Unicode characters * Feature #3183: Add search icon to the search box in Options and Serverlist * Feature #3184: Add padding around controls in Options, Serverlist, Theme manager * Bug #3185: Highlight alerts should not be logged * Bug #3186: Clarify "Confirm closing while connected to server" is for closing AdiIRC * Feature #3187: /dns add new parameter -a * Bug #3188: New Treebar sometimes draws non visible nodes which could make drawing slow * Feature #3189: Add "mclick", "dmclick", "drclick" mouse menu for custom windows * Bug #3191: "rclick", "dclick", "lbclick" mouse menu for custom windows doesn't always work * Bug #3192: /copy -o doesn't work properly * Bug #3193: Nicklist selections is sometimes wrong after nick are added/removed/changed * Bug #3194: Nicklist monitor panel should not show custom window listbox items * Bug #3195: /hsave should show a error if the write failed * Feature #3198: Show current filename when searching logs in log manager * Bug #3199: Submenu items at the start of a menu block should have leading dots trimmed * Bug #3200: /dns -64 doesnt work version 2.6 64bit * Feature #3201: Rename /cycle to /cycleall to allow the server /cycle command to work * Bug #3202: WHOIS: Final param in RPL_WHOISCHANNELS handled incorrectly if not trailing * Feature #3203: Add option to use extended list of colors for random nick colors * Bug #3204: Commented menu items are not always stripped * Feature #3205: Add "type to find" to new Treebar * Bug #3206: $iif should show an error if expression is empty * Bug #3207: Sending long messages should try split at word boundaries * Bug #3208: Theme manager should select the current theme/scheme when opened * Bug #3209: Main icon lacks 128x128 256x256 sizes * Feature #3210: Add option to highlight lines matching the hovering nick * Bug #3211: Clicking Add/Edit/Remove channel/server in Serverlist can cause a crash * Bug #3212: Switchbar separator is sometimes missing * Bug #3213: Global Nicklist is not always synced after restoring main window from system tray * Bug #3214: $regsubex parameter is not always evaluated correctly * Bug #3215: $window().sbstate returns wrong value in some cases * Bug #3216: /window -wN does not restore the Switchbar color * Bug #3217: Some font weight options are not restored properly * Bug #3218: /list parameters should update the filter settings in Channel List * Feature #3219: Add option to exclude duplicate messages in Monitor Panels * Feature #3220: Add option to ignore channel/query messages for current active window in Monitor Panels * Feature #3221: Allow ignoring Monitor Panels by network:channel * Bug #3222: Closing undocked Treebar or Nicklist monitor panel using the header close button doesn't work * Bug #3223: $COM(N) returns index * Bug #3224: Thrown errors from com instances are not caught by AdiIRC * Feature #3225: AdiIRC, to stay consistant with mIRC, should support VT_ARRAYs of VT_UI1 and VT_I1 items * Bug #3226: $com is missing "integer" "single" value types * Bug #3227: $input when -b parameter is enabled and timer is up, the textbox should have focus * Bug #3229: Com bool values not handled correctly * Bug #3230: $v1 lost in OR statements * Bug #3231: /set /hadd /hdec /hinc -u0 is sometimes reset too early * Bug #3232: $0 sometimes returns wrong value * Bug #3233: /goto inside while/if/else/elseif blocks doesn't work properly * Bug #3234: Add missing option "flat" for /dialog buttons * Bug #3235: /dialog -c should close the dialog if there are no cancel button defined * Bug #3236: Dialogs + $input bug * Bug #3237: /font -z should set the default font as well * Feature #3238: /font add new parameters -x -r -w -o -m -c -n -f -g -p * Bug #3239: Nicklist monitor panel should be pinned by default * Bug #3240: $file not working * Feature #3241: Add new identifier $calias(N) * Bug #3242: Error messages targeted to listbox/picture/panel/tool windows should be shown in associated or first status window * Bug #3243: Error messages should be shown after the script ends * Bug #3244: /timer -p -r -e should not show "timer not found" errors * Bug #3245: $matchkey, $eventid does not always return correct value * Bug #3246: Some event variables are not properly handed down to aliases * Bug #3247: /window parameters are not always validated correctly * Bug #3248: Some highlight regex patterns can cause a crash * Feature #3250: $input add missing parameters -f -c -t * Feature #3251: /dialog check add missing parameter "3state" * Bug #3252: $findfile $finddir is not sorted correcly on filepaths with special characters * Support #3253: How do I disable join/part messages? * Bug #3254: /writeini /remini /hsave should be written without BOM * Bug #3255: $mouse.key sometimes returns wrong value * Feature #3256: $mouse.key add middle/x mouse button 1/x mouse button 2 support * Feature #3257: Add new menu types ChannelLink/Link * Bug #3258: /dialog aleft aright atop abottom parameters doesn't work properly * Bug #3259: /run is not always parsed correctly * Feature #3260: $regread() * Bug #3261: /list -n * Feature #3262: Strikethrought/Deleted Support * Feature #3263: $dialog().state * Feature #3264: Add position next to line on scripting error * Feature #3265: "isdigit' if operator (digital numbers checkup) * Feature #3266: /exit [-rN] improvement * Feature #3267: $inputcall(text,alias) extension identifier for $input() * Bug #3268: Editbox and Tab key with not-exist $identifier * Bug #3269: $input() with 'b' flag and X red window button * Bug #3270: Evaluation Brackets ([ $+ [ %var ] ]) * Bug #3271: /dialog not display an error in tab case * Bug #3272: /did -e when 'disable' option set in dialogs * Bug #3273: /scon /scid -tN doesn't work properly * Feature #3274: /scon /scid add missing parameter -s * Feature #3275: Icons support into right click context menus * Bug #3276: Sysinfo misreports VRAM total for card with 8GB * Bug #3277: $line $fline should not return the line color with control code * Bug #3278: /cline /rline doesn't work properly with line color * Bug #3279: /dialog is sometimes showed in the wrong position * Bug #3280: $tip sometimes execute the alias on the wrong server * Bug #3281: /echo /echox -sa should not print to status window twice * Bug #3282: isin operator doesn't work properly with some locals * Bug #3283: Treebar/Switchbar custom windows should be sorted excluding the @ * Feature #3284: Speed up icon flashing speed in Treebar/Switchbar * Bug #3286: SHIFT + HOME doesn't work properly in Script Editor * Bug #3287: Monitor panels should not auto scroll unless already scrolled to bottom and shouldn't change selection * Bug #3288: /toolbar alias/popup is not validated correctly * Feature #3289: /toolbar add missing popup file feature * Feature #3290: /filter /savebuf add new parameter -N * Bug #3292: /statusbar text should exclude leading/trailing quotes * Feature #3293: Color fonts / emoji * Feature #3295: Add new argument -cmd to AdiIRC.exe * Bug #3296: on DIALOG "sclick" event doesn't trigger corretly for listbox * Bug #3297: $cpuload/toolbar cpu monitor can cause a UI freeze * Feature #3298: Allow changing tabs in tabcontrol by typing part of the text * Bug #3299: $longfn doesn't work with quotes * Feature #3300: Add missing identifier $dccignore * Bug #3301: $did errors shows wrong script line * Bug #3302: /dialog stacking "box" items doesn't always work properly * Feature #3303: /did add missng parameter -k * Bug #3304: /did -e -b -d -c -u and $did().state doesn't work properly with menu items * Bug #3305: /draw* color parameter is not always validated correctly * Bug #3306: Winamp m3u path should not be reset when new winamp path is discovered * Bug #3307: Winamp media player window is not always detect * Bug #3308: Windows -> Reset all window sizes does not reset tool windows properly * Bug #3309: Spellcheck should be rechecked when dictionaries are deleted * Bug #3310: $hotline should include control codes * Feature #3311: Expand nicklist tooltip option size * Bug #3312: Hidden monitor panels are sometimes restored when a new monitor is added * Feature #3313: /aline /rline /iline add new parameter -b * Feature #3314: /echo /echox add new parameter -B * Bug #3315: $line().rgbcolor should return rgb line color for text buffers * Bug #3316: /run -h not working * Feature #3317: AdiIRC check brackets button into the editor * Bug #3318: Dcc Transfer monitor panel should show both formatted and full bytes when finished * Feature #3319: Show filename and line number for script errors in the default popup file * Feature #3320: Allow resizing datagrid columns to preferred width by double clicking the resize separator * Bug #3321: Rawlog Treebar split width should be saved/restored * Feature #3322: Add help button to Rawlog