# 2.9 * Feature #315: UPnP for DCC/ident * Feature #2996: Rows below instead of unread * Feature #3294: Global Search * Feature #3344: Plugins: Add access to Tags in relevant delegates. * Feature #3411: Quick Connect - Add options for SSL and Password * Bug #3465: Topicbox should use the generated channel menus * Feature #3466: Add new identifier $lquitmsg * Bug #3467: /dialog regular images should be resized to fit inside the "icon" item * Feature #3468: Add new identifier $spellcheck * Feature #3469: $editbox add new property .spellcheckword * Bug #3470: on KEYUP is not triggered properly for non custom windows * Feature #3471: Add support for IRCv3 echo-message * Bug #3472: /uwho is not opening the Address book after the lookup * Bug #3473: Notify and WHOIS error replies should be hidden on unsupported servers * Bug #3474: Large Notify lists is not properly split into 512 byte messages on some networks * Feature #3475: Specify the SSL/TLS certificate in options is for clients to avoid confussion * Feature #3476: Add option to set/hide/show custom window tooltips in Treebar/Switchbar * Bug #3477: SHIFT + UP is not selecting nicks properly in the Nicklist * Feature #3478: Add option to show channel operators and total user count in the Nicklist * Bug #3479: Global Nicklist selection is sometimes synced with the wrong channel * Bug #3480: $snick(,N) should return $null if no nick is selected * Bug #3481: Default menus should use $nick instead of $snick * Feature #3482: Bandwidth monitor should have it's own timer for better accuracy * Feature #3483: /dialog add missing parameter "noborder" for the "icon" item * Feature #3484: Add missing operators isaop isavoice isprotect (will always returns $false) * Bug #3485: $input() not appearing again after dialog and adiirc minimize * Bug #3486: $comcall returns unknown command * Bug #3487: Brackets inside $group * Feature #3488: Add plugin API to return Config and Program folder * Feature #3489: Add right-click menu to submit text or paste and submit text in Editbox * Bug #3490: RAW 303 messages should be hidden during ISON polling * Bug #3491: RAW 605 messages should be hidden during WATCH polling * Bug #3492: Offline Notify nicks sometimes appear in Treebar Notify list * Feature #3493: Add option to show/hide Notify address and signed on time for supported servers * Bug #3494: /notify adding or removing nicks should not trigger a full Notify reset * Bug #3495: WHOIS on Notify should not trigger when a nick goes offline * Bug #3496: on UNOTIFY is not always triggered correctly * Bug #3497: /notify with no parameters should only update Notifylist on the active server * Feature #3498: Add support for IRCv3 Monitor tag * Bug #3499: Server address/hostname should not be DNS resolved when connecting through a proxy/TOR * Bug #3500: Plugin exceptions outside of API calls should show the regular Plugin error dialog * Bug #3501: Channel links is not parsed correctly * Bug #3502: Only the matched part of a word containing a channel link or nick should be clickable * Feature #3503: Add new command /scrolltext * Feature #3504: Add options to enable/disable custom color/font style for both regular links and channel name links * Bug #3505: Opening irc:// links should focus the main window * Bug #3506: Treebar channel folder is in some cases collapsed after adding a channel node * Feature #3507: Separate Options -> DCC -> Dcc Get and Auto accept options to avoid confussion * Bug #3508: Log Manager size/position is not restored properly * Bug #3509: 32 bit version is not properly force flagged as 32bit, 2.8 files has been updated * Bug #3510: Long messages is not split correctly if the user is not found in the server userlist * Bug #3511: Scrolling the scrollbar in the text area can in some cases cause a crash * Bug #3512: Datagrid mouse selection can in some cases cause a crash * Feature #3514: Add exact and separate exact/regex options for filename/text in Logs Manager * Feature #3515: /logs add new parameters -xgc * Feature #3516: /notify -r allow wildcards for removing nicks * Feature #3517: ZIP & UNZIP Support * Feature #3518: /tab add new parameter -m * Feature #3519: Add option to set Topicbox/Editbox padding * Bug #3520: /inc /dec should not reset unset timer * Bug #3521: NotifyUser, SendCommand, HookCommand, UnHookCommand API's is not thread safe * Feature #3522: Add menuitem to open a nee window in Treebar * Bug #3523: $level() doesn't work properly with hostmasks * Bug #3524: on DIALOG "edit" doesn't trigger when typing in a combobox * Bug #3525: /did -r should clear the text in the combobox * Bug #3526: Cannot connect when using irc:// links with prefixed ports (secure connection) * Feature #3527: Alt + a - Open the variables table * Feature #3529: Add missing $tempfn identifier * Bug #3530: on CTCPREPLY should be haltable without using ^ * Feature #3532: /edit add new parameter -p * Bug #3533: /if isnum operator should trim spaces before checking range * Bug #3534: irc:// links should check if the original host matches the hostname in the link * Feature #3535: Add "-e" parameter in /ignore to remove on exit * Feature #3536: Add direct link to wiki and forum in Menubar -> Help * Feature #3537: Add new $keylang identifier * Feature #3538: Add new '.default' + '.dbu' + '.local' properties into $dialog() identifier * Bug #3539: $dialog() doesn't support the -1 parameter * Bug #3540: $null returns window * Feature #3541: Add new identifier $internet * Bug #3542: Applying theme fonts doesn't work * Bug #3543: Right-click Toolbar -> Channel List Icon -> Channel doesn't work * Bug #3544: $topicsetby and $topicsetat channel window titles doesn't work properly * Feature #3545: Add current version to the update dialog titlebar * Feature #3546: Add option to only play highlight sounds when AdiIRC is not focused * Bug #3547: Now playing should check all open VLC windows for one playing * Bug #3548: AWAY: Automatically set back when typing not working * Feature #3549: AWAY: Add checkbox option for come BACK to 'All Networks' * Feature #3550: AWAY: Add checkbox option to auto come BACK(all networks) when the mouse is moved * Feature #3552: Change "automatically set back when typing" text to "Automatically set back when sending messages" to avoid confussion * Feature #3553: Change "Connect in a new window" to "Connect in a new tab" to avoid confusion * Feature #3554: $wmiquery allow using N as key to get the Nth key and add property .key * Bug #3555: $duration with some empty parameters can cause a crash * Feature #3556: Add control codes preview to Channel Editor and Topicbox * Feature #3557: Add new command /globalkeys * Bug #3558: $date returns incorrect value if specified custom format * Bug #3559: Custom menus should not trigger when right click a link * Feature #3560: Add option to ignore consecutive nicks in textview * Bug #3561: Logs window doesn't working "View" button * Bug #3562: Nicklist Tooltips trigger delay is too low * Bug #3563: Right click in Topicbox and select Show stucking AdiIRC * Bug #3564: /did -i doesn't insert the text to the correct Nth line * Bug #3565: Script Editor find contex start searching when enable/disable a checkbox * Bug #3566: $nick(#,nickname) is not working properly. * Feature #3567: Add separate "Reset all" and "Reset" buttons in Options dialog * Feature #3568: Add option to change most keyboard shortcuts and add new ones * Feature #3569: Add option to match emoticons using regex * Bug #3570: | pipes in sysinfo command should not be parsed as new line * Bug #3571: 0 key on the numeric keypad stoped working on latest update * Bug #3572: AdiIRC crashing when double click into Custom Shortcuts * Bug #3573: $gettok() doesn't working well while using 0N as N value * Bug #3574: A "/goto" command misbehaves when located inside an "IF" within an "IF" and used in a dialog. * Feature #3575: Add new variables $nickcolor $rgbnickcolor $linecolor $rgblinecolor for Messages user prefix/emote prefix * Bug #3576: /did -o can cause a crash * Bug #3577: (for servers I have saved in Server List) it connects ok on startup (i.e. it automatically sends IDENTIFY), but it asks to manually IDENTIFY on reconnect. * Bug #3578: Multi loops causing issues in some cases * Bug #3579: Ctrl+Break doesn't breaking an code execution * Bug #3580: $notify().ison returns wrong value in some cases * Bug #3582: Tips should by defaults be shown on the same monitor as the main window * Feature #3583: Add option to set which monitor Tips should be shown * Bug #3584: All windows/dialogs should be show on the monitor where main form is running regardless of saved position * Bug #3585: Main window is not restored correctly on some multi monitor setups * Bug #3586: /run doesn't work on spaced files/folders without quotes * Bug #3587: $file().version and $file().shortfn sometimes returns wrong value * Bug #3588: IF and !== $null statement bug while & character exist as plain text * Bug #3589: $ctime() doesn't working in some parameters * Bug #3590: CTRL + C in logview doesn't work when auto copy selected text is disabled * Bug #3591: Some CTCP messages is not properly encapsulated in bold tags if enabled * Bug #3592: /ctcpreply does not display the reply * Feature #3593: Add support for ACTION/CTCP/DCC request/replies without trailing char 1 * Feature #3594: Merge "AutoCopy selected text to clipboard" and "AutoFocus Editbox" into one option * Feature #3595: Allow double clicking to select a word when "Automatically copy selected text to clipboard" is disabled * Bug #3596: MDI windows should never be saved/restored partially visible or in sizes greater than the MDI area * Feature #3597: Add option to set background image for Switchbar buttons * Feature #3598: /background add new parameter -o * Bug #3599: Text Wrap is not working inside a Dialog on Wine * Bug #3600: $ialias().alias returns wrong value * Bug #3601: Editbox text color is reset when cycling up/down in history on Wine * Bug #3602: /dialog "text" item doesn't support newlines * Bug #3603: Opening files from the DCC transfer panel doesn't always work * Bug #3604: /parseline doesn't work with empty text * Bug #3605: /did -r and -d parameters for the "text" item doesn't work * Bug #3606: $clias(N) via //echo returns incorrect value on editbox * Bug #3607: /did -o -d parameters doesn't work for the "box" item * Bug #3608: /did -d -i -o -h -v parameters doesn't work for the "tab" item * Bug #3609: /did -a -r -d -i -o parameters doesn't work for the "link" item * Bug #3610: /did -d -o parameters doesn't work for the "button" item * Bug #3611: /did -d -o parameters doesn't work for the "check" item * Bug #3612: /did -d parameter doesn't work for the "edit" item * Bug #3613: /did -d -o parameter doesn't work for the "radio" item * Bug #3614: Dialog button doesn't get default flag working sometimes * Bug #3615: Dialog when setting 'disable' in options doesn't working on the X button * Feature #3616: Add .ignore property in $script() identifier * Bug #3617: $group() still returns a value after a script file unloaded via script editor * Bug #3618: /echo outputs wrong text to Server/Channel monitor panels * Bug #3619: /reload -rs FILE it should strip the case sensitive * Bug #3620: Some dialog items should not be disabled during "disable" timer * Bug #3621: /download -c should delete the destination file if stop succeed * Bug #3622: Dialog get incorrect size after restore * Support #3623: Add /download -l and /zip -i to display the list of downloads and zip/unzip progresses * Feature #3625: Improve color options for readability * Feature #3626: $color() add new property .hex * Bug #3627: Nicklist sometimes draws partial channel prefix * Feature #3628: /dialog add missing %variable return property for all items * Bug #3629: $did() returns wrong values for multiple items/properties * Feature #3630: /dialog add missing option "nowrap" for the "text" item * Bug #3631: /dialog "edit" item should work on wrapped lines instead of crlf lines * Feature #3632: Add right-click menu to change away status in tray icon if away is enabled * Feature #3633: Add Emoticons drawing using the text background color * Bug #3634: Channel/private windows is not always closed when connecting to a different network in the same server window * Feature #3635: Add option to only play sound when a private window opens * Bug #3636: /did -r DIALOG ID is crashing when ID is listbox * Bug #3637: Server notices to a channel is not displayed correctly * Bug #3638: $raddress returns wrong value in some cases * Feature #3639: Add CTRL + C keybind to copy selected nicks in the Nicklist * Feature #3640: Add option to use short join/part/quit messages and enable/disable user addresses * Feature #3641: Replace depreciated variable $user with $pnick for user and emote messages prefix * Feature #3642: Add option to collapse Treebar servers except the one associated with the active window * Bug #3643: The ~ nick prefix (for owners) is no longer displayed in the nicklist * Feature #3644: Add option to open new windows on desktop * Feature #3645: Add option to set Channel List font * Feature #3646: /font add new parameter -h * Bug #3647: Build dates should be in UTC * Feature #3648: /timer add missing time parameter * Feature #3649: $timer() add missing property .time * Feature #3650: $address, $mask add missing masks 10-19 * Bug #3651: $address, $mask sometimes returns wrong mask types * Bug #3652: Windows are sometimes swapped into the wrong z-order * Bug #3653: Script editor returns incorrect check brackets warning error * Bug #3654: Line seperator doesn't working in menubar sometimes * Bug #3656: /url -n LINK is not working * Bug #3657: { } curly brackets is not always parsed correctly * Feature #3658: Add new identifier $exec() * Bug #3659: $exec returns incorrect text * Bug #3660: Update timer is sometimes triggered earlier than it should * Bug #3661: Datagrids should enforce a minimum size * Bug #3662: The last parameter in a on EVENT can contain ":" colons if the parameter is a regex * Feature #3663: Add option to update Quick Connect settings from the last connected server * Feature #3664: Add new menu "All Servers" to Menubar -> Server * Bug #3665: Prefix and user colors in messages changed after latest build * Bug #3666: Nicklist font browser shows only Truetype fonts * Support #3667: Add support to save all the selected unsaved script files when click on save button * Bug #3668: Checking for brackets via $& included doesn't fit correctly the position * Bug #3669: Checking for brackets sometimes returns a warning errorous * Bug #3670: The channel editor topic field doesn't sync after changing the topic * Bug #3671: $decompress doesn't working * Support #3672: Missing "disabled" style from dialogs common "disable" * Bug #3673: /renwin /queryrn does not update the Treebar/Switchbar text * Bug #3674: /hsave -i is slow with large tables * Bug #3675: /ame /amsg /onotice /omsg messages should be split at 512 bytes * Bug #3676: Closing a channel window should simulate on PART/OnChannelPart * Feature #3677: Allow using network:#channel in Options -> Logging -> Include/Exclude nick/channels and add new logging menu on (network) | off (network) * Feature #3678: /toolbar add missing [x y w h] parameter * Bug #3679: /linemarker should not show a error for invalid windows * Feature #3681: Add new command /kblayout and identifier $kblayout * Bug #3682: Scripts Editor saving issues * Bug #3683: NickList Button Editor saving issue * Bug #3684: Shift + Enter is adding CRFL on Scripts Editor * Bug #3685: /did -f should not trigger the tab id but only focus it * Bug #3686: /did -c on menu item it causing adiirc crashing * Bug #3687: /did -g on 16x16 .ico images it doesn't fit it correctly * Bug #3688: When having an duplicate id and menuid on dialog it doesn't returns an error and lanching the dialog * Bug #3689: $group() it should not only be case-sensitive checking * Bug #3712: Quick Connect screen does not save port changes * Bug #3735: /describe shows incorrect output * Bug #3765: AdiIRC menus (Alt + P) doesn't load correctly a custom menus.ini file * Support #3778: Not possible to change background color for Statusbar.