# 3.2 * Feature #2902: Add animated emoticons support * Feature #3551: Favorites/Bookmarks for Channels * Bug #3724: No left to right scrollbars for panels that are split top-to-bottom * Feature #3728: Channel Icons * Feature #3729: Add missing command /play and identifiers $play(), $pnick * Bug #3751: Notify only ½ working * Bug #3905: /download stucks in some cases * Bug #3942: /.dns should not return any error messages * Bug #3943: $! is not parsed correctly inside identifiers in some cases * Bug #3944: /did -v doesn't work properly on items in tabs * Bug #3945: /did -u on tabs doesn't work properly * Bug #3947: /sockclose * crashing adiirc * Bug #3948: $sock() causing AdiIRC to crash * Bug #3949: $sock().ip returns incorrect values before socket opens * Bug #3950: /drawdot with unbalanced x y coordinates causes a crash * Feature #3951: Custom Cursor Support * Bug #3952: Options dialog opens too slow * Bug #3953: $calc() retuns incorrect values sometimes * Bug #3954: RAW 276 should strip character ":" on output * Bug #3955: Double clicking Notify nicks in the Treebar and themes in Theme manager doesn't work * Bug #3956: Search window makes AdIIRC crashing * Bug #3957: Nicklist Button editor keep asking for save without editing * Support #3961: Encoding I just can't figure this out. * Feature #3962: Add Delete shortcut to emoticons options * Bug #3963: IWindow.ExecuteCommand/.Evaluate/.OutputText Plugin API's are not threadsafe * Bug #3964: HookCommand/OnCommand is not working properly in APIv1 * Bug #3965: Unknown command for WATCH/MONITOR is sometimes not ignored * Bug #3966: Monitor panel/Treebar vertical/horizontal scrollbars sometimes have incorrect range * Bug #3967: $dns() returns wrong values during simultaneous dns requests * Bug #3968: Emoticons/Nicklist icons should not be loaded until they are needed * Feature #3969: Add option to prioritize full height for vertical Monitor Panels * Bug #3970: Excluded private windows from taskbar flashing should also exclude them from Switchbar/Treebar flashing * Feature #3971: Add Alt+X shortcut to the shortcut options dialog * Bug #3972: Some invalid animated gifs can cause a crash * Bug #3974: Change Escape shortcut to only change whether it minimises windows or not * Bug #3975: /dline is not deleting the correct amount of lines in some cases * Bug #3976: /dns should send /userhost command * Bug #3977: $dns(0).ip on DNS event uppon unable to resolve * Bug #3978: /cnick -g parameter doesn't work * Feature #3979: /inick add new parameter -mN * Feature #3980: /inick /cnick add new/missing parameters -o -v * Feature #3981: $inick()/$cnick() add new/missing properties .op .voice * Feature #3982: Options -> Nick colors/Nicklist icons add missing options Op/Voice * Bug #3983: Nicklist spacing between nicks is not drawn correctly * Feature #3984: Address Book Suggestions * Feature #3985: Change $OS to return only windows version * Feature #3986: /menubar add new parameter -x * Feature #3987: $menubar() add new property .type * Bug #3988: Show short quit message is lacking a space * Bug #3989: /ignore -FLAG doesn't update nick colors correctly * Bug #3990: AdiIRC returns incorrect line number on scripting error on menus editor * Bug #3991: /mode #channel doesn't return the channel modes parameters * Bug #3992: Inline Images doesn't strip colors/underline/etc in order to parse * Bug #3993: /window -z doesn't place the created window at the end of switchbar * Feature #3994: Allow using empty lines in aliases editor * Bug #3995: RAW 223 should strip : character * Feature #3996: /inlineimage add new parameter -r * Bug #3997: /menubar -r doesn't work properly * Feature #3998: Extend ignore option to include Tips/Highlights/Inline Images/Emoticons/Channels/Note/Matchtext * Feature #3999: /ignore add new/missing parameters -h -y -E -I -C * Feature #4000: Add horizontal scrollbar to channel editor when necessary * Feature #4001: Allow using /autojoin -n during on CONNECT on serverlist servers with autojoin disabled * Feature #4002: $ignore() add new properties .note .channel .text .cs .regex * Feature #4003: Add option to set network(s) and channel(s) to match in Nick Icons and Nick Colors * Bug #4004: $modes doesn't return the correct channel modes order on windows titlebar * Support #4005: Add ability on Nicklist Icons to work and with channel NOTICE command * Bug #4006: Channel Editor doesn't remove all items from the list when click Remove * Bug #4007: Fonts -> Nicklist -> bold/underline/italics checkboxes not working * Bug #4008: Animated images/emoticons should have a minimum delay per frame * Bug #4009: Notice alert option on highlight should strip colors/underlines/italics at the end of the message * Bug #4010: /sockopen -e SSL cannot connect on host in some cases * Bug #4011: /icon -o doesn't resize the image to fit it correctly * Bug #4012: /ban -uN crashing AdiIRC in high values * Bug #4013: /icon -heipb should not change the channel icon * Bug #4014: Treebar/new datagrid horizontal scrollbar is not working correctly * Bug #4015: Log/Global search/Channel Edit dialog column sizes/sort order are not always saved/restored properly * Bug #4016: Search doesn't working propertly when Nicklist Icons used in messages * Bug #4017: $url identifier doesn't return any results * Bug #4018: Options -> Messages -> Show Scrollbar when sets it to Show then it hides the scrollbar * Feature #4019: /icon allow reloading files * Bug #4020: Channel Editor should sort the list by last added first * Bug #4021: AdiIRC seems not sending WHO or WHOX command on join by default in some cases * Feature #4022: Add an option to automatically clear the Inline Images cache folder on exit * Feature #4023: Add visual feedback when saving Options/Serverlist and reloading Themes/Plugins/Log files * Bug #4024: Multitasking [Minimizing] Causes AdiIRC To Freeze| Not Respond * Bug #4025: Closing Menus Editor doesn't ask for save if modified * Bug #4026: Options -> Nick Colors -> Color nicks in messages strips original color in text after nick color match * Bug #4027: Channel Editor scroll and display issues * Bug #4028: Editbox when pressing SWIFT to select big lines from LEFT-TO-RIGHT doesn't working in some cases * Bug #4029: $inick(nick) $cnick(nick) returns wrong value in some cases * Bug #4030: Inline Images with long width doesn't display correctly * Bug #4031: Show short quit message is not displayed correctly * Feature #4032: Add an delay on ServerList network connection due startup * Bug #4033: $file().version should return $null instead when not any version exists * Bug #4034: AdiIRC looping by changing nickname on Gitter network * Bug #4035: /mode #channel b doesn't updating $ibl() list * Support #4036: embedd pictures / videos / ... * Feature #4037: adhoc hide inline images * Bug #4038: RAW 338 on Efnet returns incorrect reply * Bug #4039: The "Message" entries in 'Highlights' panel appear truncated In most cases * Feature #4040: Allow using SHIFT + right-click Treebar/Switchbar windows to toggle between Window/System menu * Bug #4041: SHIFT/CTRL + right-click Switchbar windows shouldn't trigger close/minimize * Bug #4042: Large window borders overlaps Toolbar/Switchbar/Menubar on startup * Feature #4043: Add channel nickname prefix support for quit messages * Bug #4044: Add some extra echo output on /ISON command * Bug #4047: The sort icon (used in Monitor Panels) is used upside down, apposite than expected * Bug #4048: AdiIRC doesn't join into the channels on reconnect when minimized to tray * Feature #4049: Add help button to Themes Manager/Apply Theme/Save Theme dialogs * Bug #4050: Curly brackets in menu scripts are sometimes doubled * Feature #4051: Change "channel/users" options texts to "channel/private windows" to avoid confusion * Bug #4052: Notices should be shown in the associated window if it's open * Feature #4053: Rename "Focus newly opened windows" to "Minimize server/channel windows" to avoid confusion * Bug #4055: Tips windows is leaking GDI handles which can cause a crash * Feature #4056: $osversion/$osbuild add the update build revision and releaseid for Windows 10 * Bug #4057: ERROR/PING/PONG events are sometimes not shown in Rawlog * Bug #4058: Disconnection should happen before on ERROR is triggered * Bug #4059: Clicking your own nick in a channel doesn't select the correct nick in the Nicklist in some cases * Bug #4060: Text view adds a empty line which interferes with some identifiers * Bug #4061: /write doesn't adding new data into a new line in some cases * Bug #4062: DCC Chat messages should terminate with only \n * Bug #4063: Allow empty DCC Chat messages * Bug #4064: on CHAT event does not rigger when AdiIRC makes the connection * Bug #4065: AdiIRC activating and focusing an incorrect window when closing a custom dialog * Bug #4066: AdiIRC mode color getting an other color in some cases * Feature #4068: Add reverse control code support * Feature #4069: Change mute sounds shortcut from CTRL + R to CTRL + SHIFT + R * Bug #4070: Some shortcut key combinations are not available from the Editbox * Bug #4071: Incoming DCC chat requests sometimes deactivates the associated window * Bug #4072: Nicklist scrollbar doesn't resetting in some cases * Bug #4073: Default commands menus are not cased consistently * Bug #4074: Changing Nicklist/Text area scrollbar autohide can cause a crash * Bug #4075: Right-click menus doesn't work properly in DCC Chat windows * Bug #4076: $bytes(N,b) doesn't return the correct result * Bug #4077: /google /pgoogle should replace spaces in urls with %20 * Bug #4079: Nicklist allowing scrolling without scrollbar displayed after scrollbar auto-hides * Bug #4080: Channel mode "l" and "k" in combination with other modes can cause a internal crash * Feature #4081: The "What's Changed" page shuld open in the default browser instead of a embedded one * Bug #4082: Single click links shouldn't trigger when text is selected * Bug #4083: "Nicklist follows selected channel" options does not properly collapse other channels * Bug #4084: Server SSL/TLS certificate validation and saving certificates should always use the entered hostname or ip address * Bug #4085: Server SSL/TLS certificates are not always validated correctly against the SNI list * Feature #4086: Add list of discovered SNI domains to the Certificate dialog and a different icon for fully valid certificates * Bug #4087: Unknown modifiers in regular expressions should be ignored * Feature #4088: Allow using scripted link menu for Server/Channel Monitor Panels and Log Viewer * Bug #4089: Nicklist Colors -> Color nicks in messages has incorrect display in some cases * Feature #4090: Use 6697 as the default port for /server -e -ssl * Bug #4091: Channel Editor on edit an item doesn't update on List * Bug #4092: Selected menus are not drawn correctly on Windows 7 classic theme * Feature #4093: $cnick $inick add new parameters .network .channel * Feature #4094: Add option to specify remote nick matching in Highlights * Feature #4095: $highlight add new property .rnick * Bug #4096: cap-notify is not requested in some cases * Feature #4097: Add option to disconnect if SASL authentication fails or SASL module is removed * Feature #4098: Add usermode check to default Nicklist operator menus * Bug #4099: Escape key closes Rawlog instead of minimizing it or closing the Searchbox * Bug #4100: Custom shortcuts should be shown in Menubar/Menus * Feature #4101: Change window right-click menu Buffer -> Select to Buffer -> Max Buffer -> Custom to avoid confusion * Bug #4102: Check brackets should be disabled for "Edit" editors which are not scripts * Bug #4103: Script Editor "Check brackets" and Statusbar item tooltips flickers sometimes * Bug #4104: Moving Statusbar from horizontal to vertical position doesn't properly reset the size * Bug #4105: Temporary visible Menubar is sometimes stuck in visible state when focus is lost * Feature #4106: Show a time remaining indicator on Tips * Feature #4107: Show an error when Serverlist write fails * Bug #4108: /NAMES should remove previous channel prefixes when NAMESX is enabled * Bug #4109: /NAMES /WHO should remove previous channel prefixes when mutli-prefix is enabled * Bug #4110: Caps ls/new/deleted messages are not shown correctly * Bug #4138: /halt in the $findfile() $finddir() command should be ignored