# 3.7 * Feature #4741: Add missing identifier $sslcertvalid * Feature #4742: /dns should show all resolved ip addresses * Bug #4743: $bfind() $hfind() should be case insensitive * Feature #4744: $bfind() add missing property .textcs * Feature #4745: $hfind() add new parameter 'N' * Bug #4746: /set /var -B is not working properly with large numbers * Bug #4747: /window -e should focus the Editbox * Feature #4748: Add copy/open link right-click menus to Highlights/Private/Notice Monitor Panels * Bug #4749: Reverting to a previous Topic should move the new topic to the top of the Topic history * Feature #4750: Add new variable $status for window titlebars * Bug #4751: /hsave is slow with large tables * Bug #4752: /dcc ssend is not working properly * Bug #4753: Raw 338 returns incorrect results on bahamut ircd * Bug #4754: Scrolling the text area can in some cases cause a crash * Bug #4755: /bset doesn't work with some characters * Bug #4756: IRCv3 CAPS are not working properly on some networks * Bug #4757: Serverlist crashes when opening on the .NET 2.0 version * Bug #4758: Invalid/too long filepath in the Save File dialog for incomming DCC transfers can cause a crash * Bug #4759: $hfind() results should be reversed * Bug #4760: $hfind() N parameter doesn't work properly with an alias parameter * Bug #4761: Middle mouse button click option to close windows doesn't work in Treebar * Bug #4762: /sockopen can cause a crash in some cases