# 3.8 * Bug #4763: $sock().bindip returns wrong value for udp sockets * Bug #4764: ":" character is not stripped from some RAW messages * Feature #4765: Show Close (ctrl + w) on treebar menu * Bug #4766: /google search is broken * Bug #4767: /socklisten port selection is not working properly * Bug #4768: Local ipaddress is sometimes not detected properly * Bug #4769: /socklist output are not shown correctly * Feature #4770: Add OS informations on default CTCP version reply * Bug #4771: /sockopen /sockudp with invalid bind ip address/port should show an error * Bug #4772: $chan().rawmode and $chan().mode returns wrong value * Bug #4773: Allow using +port and *port for ssl/starttls in irc:// links * Bug #4774: /splay is not properly closing the player when a song ends * Feature #4775: Add dialog to ask to connect in a new window for irc:// links * Bug #4776: irc:// links doesn't work when the main window is hidden * Bug #4777: /window +switches have wrong priority in some cases * Bug #4778: /break should only break inside /while loops * Bug #4779: Message multiple channels at once. * Bug #4780: $bytes() fractions should be rounded * Bug #4781: /dns doesn't work on users with no hostname * Bug #4782: /fseek -n doesn't work without the N parameter * Bug #4783: /flist, /fclose, $fopen().fname shows wrong filename * Bug #4784: /fclose should show an error when there is no match * Bug #4785: $file(name) doesn't work properly * Bug #4786: /fseek should show a message on matches/line changes * Bug #4787: /fseek -w -r doesn't work on some lines * Bug #4788: /fseek, $fread(), /bread should work with $cr lines as well * Bug #4789: /fseek -l 1 doesn't work properly * Feature #4790: $fopen() add new property .line * Feature #4791: /fseek add missing parameter -p * Feature #4792: $fread() add new property .back * Feature #4793: /timer add missing parameter -c * Bug #4794: /timer -p should keep counting down * Bug #4795: Slow /timers sometimes shows timer ended message multiple times * Bug #4796: $bytes() doesn't work with big numbers * Feature #4797: Add all 99 colors to highlights and nick colors dropdown * Feature #4798: Add option to set random nick color per nick color match * Feature #4799: $cnick() add missing property .auto * Feature #4800: Add option to sort dcc folders by nick * Feature #4801: Add option to split long channel/private messages * Bug #4802: &binvars should be available during /signal -n * Bug #4803: Urls surrounded by quotes are not parsed correctly * Bug #4804: $urlget().redirect returns wrong value * Bug #4805: Channel names ending with "!" are not parsed correctly * Bug #4806: /txt2bin, /bin2txt should be ignored in server windows * Bug #4807: Orphaned custom windows should be associated with the first server window * Bug #4808: $ferr is not reset properly in some cases * Bug #4809: /fopen should still add the name and not halt the script on error * Bug #4810: $ferr should return 0 or 1 * Bug #4811: $hfind() halting in the alias parameter should halt the entire script * Feature #4812: $hfind() add new switch H * Feature #4813: Add an option to automatically update network supported Channel Lists on join * Bug #4814: /fopen names should be case insensitive * Bug #4815: $fread() should not set $feof on empty lines * Bug #4816: /iallfill does not set Realname/Fullname properly * Bug #4817: $regsub() should not replace escape chars before evaluation * Bug #4818: Various identifiers should accept invalid utf8 surrogates * Bug #4819: Curly brackets in commented lines is not parsed correctly * Feature #4820: $fline() add missing parameter [S] * Feature #4821: Add missing identifier $flinen * Bug #4822: $$ should not be evaluated * Bug #4823: $read() is slow * Bug #4824: Negative numbers in $calc() $calcint() is sometimes not parsed correctly * Bug #4825: Private /me messages are not shown correctly when echo-message is enabled * Bug #4826: $readini(), $read() evaluation errors in items are not shown correctly * Bug #4827: /write can use both -lN and -l N * Bug #4828: Selecting text in the text area is sometimes off by one character * Bug #4829: /alias sometimes can't find the right alias to replace * Bug #4830: $input() can have a numerical option value * Bug #4831: /fopen should be opened in shared write mode * Feature #4832: /fopen add missing parameter -x * Bug #4833: /socklist can cause a crash * Bug #4834: Edit Aliases does not parsing consecutive spaces correctly in some cases * Bug #4835: $& should show identifier warning in the middle of a line * Feature #4836: Add new identifier $plugins() * Bug #4837: Clicking the text area in the Rawlog should move keyboard focus * Bug #4838: /.msg /.describe /.notice the '.' prefix doesn't working * Feature #4839: Allow enabling/disabling IRCv3 echo-message support without reconnecting * Feature #4840: Add missing command /drawsize * Feature #4841: /dcc add missing parameters "trust" "packetsize" * Feature #4842: /dccparam should be aliases for /dcc * Bug #4843: Local %variables/$identifiers/&binvars in $read() are not evaluated correctly * Bug #4844: $inpaste is not set correctly in some cases * Bug #4845: $identifiers in $read() are not evaluated correctly * Bug #4846: /halt in $read(,p) piped lines should halt the script * Bug #4847: Windows theme can interfere with column header colors in Options -> Colors * Feature #4848: Show server port on hostname lookup during server connection * Feature #4849: /server allow using port range and multiple ports * Feature #4850: Add missing identifier $inwho * Bug #4851: RAW 276 is shown in the wrong window * Bug #4852: $com(), $comcall() should allow null characters when using "array" parameters * Bug #4853: Add custom drawn color grid in Options -> Colors * Bug #4854: /clear should clear /fupdate buffers as well * Bug #4855: on OPEN can cause a crash * Bug #4856: Treebar networks should expand on new private messages * Bug #4857: /filter should scroll text area to bottom * Bug #4858: Avoid scrolling the textarea for new messages when selecting text * Bug #4859: /saveini removes some temporary variables from memory * Bug #4860: /filter is not prioritizing output target switches correctly * Bug #4861: /alias should not show "replaced alias" message * Bug #4862: /if /while is not properly combining text/%vars in some cases * Bug #4863: /if /while is not validating parentheses properly * Feature #4864: $regml() add new property .full * Bug #4865: /unset removes both local and global variable with the same name in some cases * Bug #4866: /hload should ignore uneven last line * Bug #4867: $asctime() parameters is not validated correctly * Bug #4868: /drawrot x y w h parameters is not validated correctly * Bug #4870: /close, /window -c should ignore closing window warnings * Bug #4871: Accessing $nick during a on NICK event can cause a internal crash * Bug #4872: $biton(), $bitoff() N parameter is optional * Bug #4873: I got to know AdiIRC yesterday and I also tested problems for the first time yesterday * Bug #4874: /rline switches can be before or after the color parameter * Bug #4875: $sline().ln is one off * Bug #4876: /*line should use active window if @window is not specified * Bug #4877: /rline should remove selection unless -s or -a is specified * Bug #4878: /rline should insert a line if N is equal to current line count * Bug #4879: Button "Edit" on Channel Editor * Bug #4880: listbox text/background colors are sometimes wrong when extended colors is disabled * Bug #4881: /*line line colors are sometimes incorrectly reset or using wrong defaults * Bug #4882: Scripts, alias, vars, users, menus, nicklist button files should be cached and read from memory * Bug #4883: disconnection from time to time for no reason * Support #4884: Options > Event > add button "hidden" for "notice" and "server notice" * Bug #4885: /iline with N larger than current line count + 1 should be ignored * Bug #4886: $regsubex() is slow with large strings * Bug #4887: /bcopy can cause a crash with some parameters * Bug #4888: /bcopy should show an error message if the copied bytes doesn't fit * Bug #4889: /bcopy should not truncate appended bytes * Bug #4890: bug with command /me (ctcp and spamfilter Unrealircd 5) * Bug #4891: bug menu on several open pm * Bug #4892: Auto op/voice does not work with multiple channels/networks * Bug #4893: $sockname is not set properly in on SOCKLISTEN * Bug #4894: $sock().addr returns $null for listening sockets * Feature #4895: /drawrot add missing parameters -p -f * Bug #4896: $hfind(,R) is not working properly * Bug #4897: /bcopy should zeropad up to start bytes * Bug #4898: /ban, /ignore should use /USERHOST when hostname is missing * Bug #4899: $file().attr should returns letter indicators instead of text * Feature #4900: /*line add new parameters -S -W * Feature #4901: Expand Treebar server node when receiving a private message * Bug #4902: $mouse.x, $mouse.y returns wrong values in some cases * Bug #4903: /drawdot some parameters are not validated correctly * Bug #4904: /drawtext background colors in control codes are not working * Bug #4905: $didwm(), $didreg() can cause a crash on empty dialog items * Bug #4906: /query should show an error if the target is a channel name * Bug #4907: /links is not working * Bug #4908: AdiIRC should not parse chathistory in some of it's features * Feature #4909: Add a TODO menu dropdown to the Script Editor * Bug #4910: $did().cstate returns wrong value for checked list items during on DIALOG SCLICK event * Bug #4911: Ignore on matching server address doesn't work * Feature #4912: Add RAW 004 tokens as usermodes, channelmodes, channelmodesargs to $servervars() * Bug #4913: the sound card bug (Lav Audio) which does not disappear (from time to time) * Bug #4914: /drawcopy -t is not updating the window in real time * Bug #4915: $msgtags(N).tag returns always $null * Bug #4916: $msgtags(N) .key/.tag properties are swapped * Feature #4917: Add missing command /playctrl * Bug #4918: "." prefix doesn't work for /.!& * Feature #4919: Allow using //command prefix to execute as script in IWindow.Executecommand() Plugin API * Bug #4920: $trust() doesn't return a value for the first item in the list * Feature #4921: Add missing identifier $passivedcc * Feature #4922: Add missing feature/command/identifier/operator Protect list, /protect, $protect, isprotect * Bug #4923: Address book should save/restore last selected list in the Control tab * Bug #4924: $input() should not return $timeout when the Editbox or Combobox is visible * Bug #4925: /did -c does not work on dialog "edit" items * Feature #4926: Add support for 'Check' and 'Radio' options in dialogs lists * Bug #4927: When the away system is enabled /away should only enable away instead of toggle away on/off * Feature #4928: Add button to clear and delete all inline images in Options -> Inline Images * Bug #4929: $urlget($null) should return $null * Bug #4930: CHANGED.txt should be updated when updating AdiIRC * Feature #4931: Add password Yes/No field to the Serverlist -> Servers grid * Feature #4932: Add option to separate log folders daily/weekly/monthly/yearly * Feature #4933: Add new date variables w, ww, %w, %ww for current week of year * Feature #4934: Add option to sort Treebar/Switchbar Server/Tool windows alphabetically * Feature #4935: Add options to enable/disable playing new message/highlight sounds in active window * Feature #4936: Add a "Editor" dropdown menu in all editors to open or change focus to another editor * Feature #4937: Allow remapping shortcut to scroll messages page up/page down * Feature #4938: Add option to set how many lines mouse wheel should scroll in the text area * Bug #4939: Nicklist can be slow in very large channels * Feature #4940: Add option to close associated channels/private windows on server disconnect * Feature #4941: Add option to close Serverlist when clicking the Connect button * Feature #4942: Add wildcard search option to the Searchbox * Feature #4943: Add Highlight All search option to the Searchbox * Feature #4944: Add option to prevent sleep while there are active DCC transfers * Feature #4945: Add option to automatically turn dcc file type ignore back on, on a timer * Bug #4946: DCC trust/auto accept should allow user levels as well * Bug #4947: /aop /avoice /protect should update matching nick colors/nick icons in real time * Bug #4948: Ignored script colors are sometimes reset in Script Editor script list * Feature #4949: Add option to remove unused saved windows monthly or yearly * Feature #4950: Add option to sort server windows in Switchbar/Treebar by connection status * Feature #4951: Add option to set font weight and background color for nick colors and highlights * Feature #4952: $cnick(), $highlight() add new properties .fontbold, .fontitalic, .fontunderline, .backcolor, .rgbbackcolor * Feature #4953: Add /sslcert command to create a new certificate * Feature #4954: Add option to set delay between joins in the Channel List * Feature #4955: Add option to use regex matching for dcc get folders * Bug #4956: Emoticons/Nick icons are not the right height when pixel spacing is used * Bug #4957: Inline images height is not properly adjusted when changing font/spacing options * Bug #4959: Message system/user/ctcp/emote prefix should be trimmed * Bug #4960: Emoticons/Nick icons/Text should be centered when pixel spacing is used * Feature #4961: Add option to stretch emoticons to fit line height * Bug #4962: /cnick should use transparent/no background color by default * Bug #4963: Bug link with accented character at the end * Bug #4964: Crash on exit * Bug #4965: Restoring logs can cause a crash with a very large retore buffer * Bug #4966: Dots in domain names should be validated in urls * Bug #4967: $count() can cause a crash with empty paramteres * Bug #4968: Custom windows should not show unreal line marker when disabled globally * Bug #4969: /dialog -i should be ignored when creating a dialog * Bug #4970: /drawpic should not stretch images unless -s is specified * Bug #4971: Changing message font should change custom window fonts as well * Bug #4972: Ini detection for aliases files doesn't work * Bug #4973: Channel Editor/Channel List/Logging previews should invert colors according to background color * Feature #4974: Add support for all 99 colors and alternative colorchar to Topicbox/Channel Editor/Channel List * Bug #4975: Theme Manager can cause a crash when using Emoticons * Bug #4976: Theme Manager Nicklist icon preview doesn't work * Bug #4977: Colors are not inserted into the right position in the Channel Editor Topic dropdown * Bug #4978: Some IRCv3 CAP messages are incorrectly hidden * Feature #4979: Add option to autohide Topicbox * Feature #4980: Add option to delay autohide Nicklist * Feature #4981: Show the user or server who set user modes * Feature #4982: Add a delay for showing Nicklist when autohide is enabled and scroll to bottom icon is visible * Bug #4983: Echoing link with colour and $+ identifier doesn't underline hyperlink or trigger inline images anymore * Feature #4984: Add option to show/hide scrollbars in Monitor Panels * Feature #4985: Add option to only show join, parts, quits, nick messages for active users * Feature #4986: Add options to set main window and undocked window transparency * Feature #4987: Add option to play a custom beep file instead of using system beeps * Feature #4988: Add Toolbar media player icon controls and /w* commands support for foobar2000 * Feature #4989: Add option to use IRCv3 server-time as timestamp when logging messages * Feature #4990: Add Lock bars option to the option dialog as well * Feature #4991: Add save/restore last selected tab in the Serverlist * Feature #4992: Add option to prioritize Nicklist height over Editbox/Topicbox width * Feature #4993: Add option to lock log files * Feature #4994: Add option to use hostname instead of nick for random nick colors * Feature #4995: Add option to show a tooltip when hovering a nick in the message area * Feature #4996: Add option to use separate background color left of the Nick column divider * Feature #4997: Add option to show/hide confirmation when pasting lines to a single line Editbox * Feature #4998: Add option to set minimum number of visible lines for a Editbox set to Automatic * Bug #4999: bug treebar * Bug #5000: Toggling Inline images per window should clear all images when set to Off * Feature #5001: Add Switchbar/Treebar right-click menu and options to Include/Exclude Emoticons per window * Bug #5002: Bug of rich-click menu * Bug #5003: "Connect to this network on startup" not working * Bug #5004: Using /window on a closed window can cause a crash * Bug #5005: /window sizes larger than monitor size doesn't work * Bug #5006: $servervars() has some invalid entries * Bug #5007: Realname/Fullname is not set in some cases when IRCv3 extended-join cap is enabled * Bug #5008: ":" should not be stripped from RAW 311 events * Bug #5009: Edit Users shows older cached version of the users file * Bug #5010: $file() returns wrong values for folders * Bug #5011: Glitching on editbox (on 20200305 beta) * Bug #5012: Border line bottom screen on F11 (way to completely maximize?) * Bug #5013: Auto join channel on invite does not work if any channel is ignored * Bug #5014: IRCv3 "batch" CAP does not work on some networks * Bug #5015: /server real name/full name with spaces doesn't work * Bug #5016: Changing active window in the Treebar should focus Editbox * Bug #5017: DCC CHAT/SEND doesn't work when using socks proxy * Bug #5018: $cb() should trim the last trailing new line * Bug #5019: /drawdot is not drawn correctly in real time