# 4.3 * Feature #5489: Add visual indicator on tabs with matching text when searching the Options dialog * Bug #5516: Monitor File Changes should not trigger during /saveini * Bug #5517: Helpop command should be ignored in RAW 704,705,706 output * Bug #5518: %var = value is double evaluated in some cases * Feature #5519: $servervars() add new key _ircdversion * Feature #5520: /bset suggestion for 16bits + 32bits numbers * Bug #5521: Submitting regular text in custom window Editbox should do nothing * Bug #5522: /parseline should show an error when using the wrong -i -o parameter * Bug #5523: /parseline should always show the "Parseline in/out:" message unless quiet is specified * Bug #5524: Send to tray on close doesn't work properly * Bug #5525: Single click to restore from tray doesn't work on the first click * Bug #5526: Main window is not restored correctly when hidden in some cases * Feature #5527: Add copy/save/clear right-click menus to Rawlog text area * Bug #5528: Channel topic is not set correctly on some networks * Bug #5529: $topic returns wrong value during ^TOPIC events * Feature #5530: /topic add missing parameter -r * Bug #5531: Some single line script events are incorrectly parsed as multiline * Bug #5532: New Script Editor doesn't syntax highlight menus properly in some cases * Bug #5533: Some comments are not syntax highlighted correctly in the new Script Editor * Bug #5534: Multi line comments inside pipes are not parsed correctly * Bug #5535: Code after end of curly brackets should be executed * Bug #5536: $mouse.x, $mouse.y returns wrong value for unfocused windows * Bug #5537: /tokenize doesn't work correctly on $null text * Bug #5538: SHIFT + mouse click in listbox doesn't select the correct items * Bug #5539: Icons main image doesn't updating the taskbar * Bug #5540: /timer -h doesn't work with very long intervals * Bug #5541: $calias doesn't work when calling an alias via /timer * Bug #5542: /timer off seems not closing a timer correctly * Bug #5543: DCC resume is not working for auto accept transfers * Bug #5544: $input(), $?="" dialogs are shown on the wrong screen in some cases * Bug #5545: /server IPV6 address cannot connect * Bug #5546: $bindip( returns wrong value * Bug #5547: /socklisten should not populate $sock for invalid ports * Bug #5548: $bindip() doesn't work with ipv6 addresses * Bug #5549: /sockread have some trailing null bytes when reading from UDP sockets * Bug #5550: Disconnect toolbar button doesn't do anything when Rawlog is active * Bug #5551: IRCv3 CAP STS is not parsed correctly * Bug #5552: /msg doesn't print/echo what is being sent * Bug #5553: $urlget() should allow using $adiircdir/$mircdir as a target path * Feature #5554: /inick add new parameters -C [channel(s)] -N [network(s)] * Bug #5555: /inick -sN is adding an item twice and in wrong position * Feature #5556: Add $inick to return $true or $false when is on/off * Bug #5557: $*tok() + $*tokcs() identifiers return incorrect value in some cases * Bug #5558: /icon returns incorrect error message for unknown window * Feature #5559: Add active window icon on statusbar * Feature #5560: $statusbar(), $toolbar() add new property .iconfile * Bug #5561: $readini(), $ini() should ignore empty entries * Bug #5562: Prefixes in nicks should be ignored when double clicking nicks in the Treebar Nicklist * Feature #5563: Add -RSMN switches for /ignore * Feature #5564: Add -N switch for /echo to prevent Inlineimage feature * Feature #5565: /inlineimage & $inlineimage * Bug #5566: $decode(,bm) fails to decode in some cases * Feature #5567: echo-message delay before msg appears/sent. * Bug #5568: Treebar shortcut order is wrong in some cases * Bug #5569: "Always rejoin auto channel" option sometimes joins non auto channels * Bug #5570: Pasting multi line text into single line Editbox doesn't include the current text * Feature #5571: Add Options -> Server option to change the default Serverlist "Connect" button behavior * Feature #5572: Options dialog should remember the last tab in the last page * Feature #5573: Add SHIFT + MouseWheel shortcut for horizontal scrolling to the Script Editor * Feature #5574: Replace \x20 and whitespaces in network name with underscore * Bug #5575: Double-clicking channels in Server/Channel Monitor doesn't work when "Show network" is disabled * Feature #5576: Add option to show "Day Changed" message for Channel/Server Messages Monitor Panels * Feature #5577: $window() add new property .eb * Feature #5578: Add missing identifier $isnum() * Feature #5579: Add $os.* extended identifiers * Feature #5580: Add missing identifier $sslhash() * Feature #5581: Add new/missing identifiers $adiircpid/$mircpid * Feature #5582: Add new command /dock to dock any @window, dialog or Rawlog as a Monitor Panel * Feature #5583: $dockpanels() add new parameters [container], [panel], [tab] * Feature #5584: $dockpanels() add new properties .side,.container,.panel,.tab,.name,.locked,.pinned,.visible,.w,.h * Feature #5585: a function that returns the account from a nickname * Bug #5586: 2 bugs when running the new AdiIRC Beta of May 14 * Feature #5587: Add $encode(,r) + $decode(,r) to allow encode/decode an url * Bug #5588: $statusbar().icon + $statusbar().iconfile not working for non-custom items * Bug #5589: TopMost Server's Channel List Got Reset After Enabling "Save Servers For Reconnect Next Launch" * Bug #5590: $urlget() fails if "Downloads" folder does not exists in $adiircdir * Feature #5591: editbox * Bug #5592: /dns doesn't working for IPv6 ip addresses * Bug #5593: Main window is not restored correctly when minimized to tray in some cases * Bug #5594: Resizing Nicklist when autohide is enabled doesn't work * Bug #5595: $read() can cause a crash with some invalid paths * Bug #5596: Nicks are not drawn correctly when "Strip status prefix" in Treebar Nicklist is enabled * Bug #5597: Gline conflict %*@ip * Bug #5598: Sysinfo commands should not evaluate target channel name * Feature #5600: Inability to handle binary data * Feature #5601: Custom nicknames in nicklist * Bug #5602: Identifiers in message options are variables * Bug #5603: Quick Connect doesn't support %Channels * Bug #5604: Options -> Tips has some labels swapped * Feature #5605: $window() add new property .fullscreen * Feature #5606: $server() add "-1" parameter for active server * Feature #5607: Optional "/mode #chan" on join * Bug #5608: Changing Treebar font does not update layout * Bug #5609: Switchbar/Treebar should be sorted similar to Nicklist * Feature #5612: Add missing identifier $keylparam * Bug #5613: CTCP requests which contains $chr(1) should not be replied to * Feature #5614: Add missing identifier $parseem * Feature #5615: Add missing identifier $codepage() * Feature #5616: /bset add missing parameter -z * Feature #5617: Add support for RAW 609,597,598,599 on InspIRCd 3 servers * Bug #5618: Duplicate submenu items * Bug #5620: Media Player buttons can cause a crash when foobar2000 is selected * Bug #5621: /did, /dialog doesn't work properly with decimals * Bug #5622: ./cmd, !/cmd, .!/cmd are not evaluated correctly in scripts * Feature #5623: Add "Ignore List" menu to Menubar -> Tools * Feature #5624: $server() add missing properties .keytype..key,.itype,.nick,.anick,.email,.user,.encoding * Feature #5625: /server add missing parameters -keytype,-encoding,-itype * Bug #5626: $ini() with comment items can cause a crash * Bug #5627: Errors should be shown when saving a file in any editor fails * Bug #5628: /didtok should parse and ignore switches * Bug #5630: /echo should ignore -switches if they don't contain a valid switch * Bug #5631: Invalid UTF8 characters should be allowed in all commands/identifiers reading files * Feature #5632: Add ALT+X to convert a hex value into a character in the new Script Editor * Bug #5633: $wrap() word chopping parameter is swapped * Bug #5634: Very long lines are not drawn correctly in the new Script Editor * Bug #5635: Switchbar size should exclude hidden windows * Bug #5636: Alt nicks should be tried when nick has illegal characters and is not registered yet * Feature #5637: Add new identifier $commands() * Bug #5638: /showmenu -s doesn't work properly * Bug #5639: /showmenu add new parameters -l, -i * Feature #5640: $line(), $calias() allow using negative N parameter * Feature #5641: /drawsave add new parameters -FN, -B &binvar * Feature #5642: Add new command /mouse * Feature #5643: $window() add new property .backgroundlayout * Feature #5644: $line() add new property .nickcolumn * Bug #5645: Add various hardcoded on SIGNAL events for use by webirc * Bug #5646: $ini() returns nothing when reading UTF-8 BOM file * Bug #5647: Highlight play sound makes AdiIRC crash * Bug #5648: Script errors in /debug -i identifiers are not always shown in the server window * Feature #5649: Custom user message font/size/color * Bug #5650: $totp(), $hotp() returns wong value with some parameters * Feature #5651: $sock() add missing property .upnp * Feature #5652: /socklisten, /sockaccept add missing parameter -n * Feature #5653: $zip() add new(missing properties .csize, .size, .mtime * Bug #5654: Noify list right-click menu is not associated with the correct server * Feature #5655: Add missing identifiers $cbrt(), $log2(), $modinv(), $gcd(), $lcm() * Feature #5656: Add new variable $target to message prefixes * Bug #5657: /echo -l doesn't work with background colors when highlight entire line is enabled * Bug #5658: Channel/user prefixes doesn't work properly on exchange IRCx servers * Bug #5659: Opening links in custom launchers should hide any console windows * Bug #5660: $network is not reset when connecting to a new server from the Serverlist