


RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish » fish_10.ini

Per Amundsen, 02/05/2016 09:53 AM

;* FiSH 10 mIRC Script - Hugely based on FiSH v1.30 *
;* Heavily modified for use in AdiIRC *
; "FiSH 10" by the way means "FiSH 2" in binary, and the year is 2010, therefore "FiSH 10".

on *:START: {
; ********** you can change the blow.ini path here if you like: **********
; for example to use %appdata%\mIRC:
; set %blow_ini $shortfn($mircdir $+ blow.ini)
set %blow_ini $shortfn($nofile($mircexe) $+ blow.ini)

; Path to the fish_10.dll
set %FiSH_dll $qt($shortfn($nofile($scriptdir) $+ fish_10.dll)))

; this one is just for info:
.dll %FiSH_dll _callMe

; and this one is important again:
.dll %FiSH_dll FiSH_SetIniPath %blow_ini

; *** auto-keyXchange ***
on *:OPEN:?:{
if (%autokeyx == [On]) {
var %tmp1 = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $nick)
if ($len(%tmp1) > 0) {
FiSH.DH1080_INIT $nick
unset %tmp1

; Decrypt and echo a encrypted incoming action, halt the default output (mcps)
on ^*:ACTION:mcps *:*:{
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_incoming 1) == 0) return
var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

; hack, if key is empty, reset the ini path
if ($len(%key) == 0) {
.dll %FiSH_dll FiSH_SetIniPath %blow_ini
%key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %msg = $iif($left($2, 1) == *, $right($2-, $calc($len($2-) - 1)), $2-)
echo $color(action) -trlmbf $iif($chan, $chan, $nick) * $iif($nick($chan, $nick).pnick,  $+ $nick($chan, $nick).color $+ $v1 $+ , $nick) $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg, %key %msg)

; Decrypt and echo a encrypted incoming action, halt the default output
on ^*:ACTION:+OK *:*:{
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_incoming 1) == 0) return
var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

; hack, if key is empty, reset the ini path
if ($len(%key) == 0) {
.dll %FiSH_dll FiSH_SetIniPath %blow_ini
%key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %msg = $iif($left($2, 1) == *, $right($2-, $calc($len($2-) - 1)), $2-)
echo $color(action) -trlmbf $iif($chan, $chan, $nick) * $iif($nick($chan, $nick).pnick,  $+ $nick($chan, $nick).color $+ $v1 $+ , $nick) $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg, %key %msg)

; Decrypt and echo a encrypted incoming message, halt the default output
on ^*:TEXT:+OK *:*:{
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_incoming 1) == 0) return
var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

; hack, if key is empty, reset the ini path
if ($len(%key) == 0) {
.dll %FiSH_dll FiSH_SetIniPath %blow_ini
%key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %msg = $iif($left($2, 1) == *, $right($2-, $calc($len($2-) - 1)), $2-)
echo -trlmbf $iif($chan, $chan, $nick) < $+ $iif($nick($chan, $nick).pnick,  $+ $nick($chan, $nick).color $+ $v1 $+ , $nick) $+ > $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg, %key %msg)

; Decrypt and echo a encrypted incoming message, halt the default output (mcps)
on ^*:TEXT:mcps *:*:{
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_incoming 1) == 0) return
var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

; hack, if key is empty, reset the ini path
if ($len(%key) == 0) {
.dll %FiSH_dll FiSH_SetIniPath %blow_ini
%key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network $target)

if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %msg = $iif($left($2, 1) == *, $right($2-, $calc($len($2-) - 1)), $2-)
echo -trlmbf $iif($chan, $chan, $nick) < $+ $iif($nick($chan, $nick).pnick,  $+ $nick($chan, $nick).color $+ $v1 $+ , $nick) $+ > $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg, %key %msg)

; ######################################
; ### mark outgoing (own text) START ###
on *:INPUT:*:{
if (($left($1,1) == / && !$ctrlenter) || (!$1)) return
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_outgoing 1) == 0) return
var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10,$network $target)
if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %tmp1 = $readini(%blow_ini,FiSH,plain_prefix)
if (%tmp1 == $null) { %tmp1 = +p }
var %pfxlen = $len(%tmp1)
if (%tmp1 != $left($1,%pfxlen)) {
var %tmp1 = $readini(%blow_ini,FiSH,mark_encrypted)

if (%mark_style == $null) { %mark_style = 2 }
if (%tmp1 == $null) { %tmp1 = $chr(2) $+ $chr(3) $+ 12· $+ $chr(3) $+ $chr(2) }

;### <mynick> own encrypted text [default crypt mark] ###
if (%mark_style == 1) {
var %own_encrypted_text = < $+ $iif($nick($chan,$nick).pnick, $v1, $nick) $+ > $1- $+ $chr(32) $+ %tmp1

;### <mynick> [default crypt mark] own encrypted text ###
if (%mark_style == 2) {
var %own_encrypted_text = < $+ $iif($nick($chan,$nick).pnick, $v1, $nick) $+ > $+ %tmp1 $1-

;### <mynick> own encrypted text (the nick brackets are bold+blue) ###
if (%mark_style == 3) {
var %own_encrypted_text = $+($chr(2), $chr(3), 12<, $chr(3), $chr(2)) $+ $iif(($gettok($readini(mirc.ini, options, n2), 30, 44)) && (($me isvoice $chan) || ($me isop $chan)), $left($nick(#, $nick).pnick, 1)) $+ $iif($nick($chan,$nick).pnick, $v1, $nick) $+ $+($chr(2), $chr(3), 12>, $chr(3), $chr(2)) $1-

echo $color(Own text) -t %own_encrypted_text
else {
echo $color(Own text) -t < $+ $iif(($gettok($readini(mirc.ini, options, n2), 30, 44)) && (($me isvoice $chan) || ($me isop $chan)), $left($nick(#, $nick).pnick, 1)) $+ $nick $+ > $right($1-, $calc(0 - %pfxlen))

privmsg $target : $+ +OK $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_encrypt_msg, %key $1-)
unset %tmp1
; ### mark outgoing (own text) END ###
; ####################################

on *:CONNECT:{
if (%autoset_localip == [On]) {
localinfo FiSH.OWNZ $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetMyIP,NOT_USED)

on *:NICK:{
if (($nick == $me) || ($upper($newnick) == $upper($nick))) { return }
if (($query($newnick) == $null) || (%NickTrack != [On])) { return }
var %ky_tmp = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10,$network $nick)
if ($len(%ky_tmp) > 4) {
writeini -n %blow_ini $newnick key %ky_tmp
writeini -n %blow_ini $newnick dh1080_cbc $readini(%blow_ini,$nick,dh1080_cbc)
unset %ky_tmp

on ^*:NOTICE:DH1080_INIT*:?:{
if ($len($2) > 178 && $len($2) < 182) {
query $nick
echo $color(Mode text) -tm $nick *** FiSH: Received DH1080 public key from $nick $+ , sending mine...
var %tempkey $dll(%FiSH_dll,DH1080_gen,NOT_USED)
%FiSH.prv_key = $gettok(%tempkey, 1, 32)
%FiSH.pub_key = $gettok(%tempkey, 2, 32)
unset %tempkey
var %secret = $dll(%FiSH_dll,DH1080_comp, %FiSH.prv_key $2)
if ($3 == CBC) {
.notice $nick DH1080_FINISH %FiSH.pub_key CBC
FiSH.setkey $nick cbc: $+ %secret
else {
.notice $nick DH1080_FINISH %FiSH.pub_key
FiSH.setkey $nick %secret
unset %FiSH.prv_key
unset %FiSH.pub_key
unset %secret

on ^*:NOTICE:DH1080_FINISH*:?:{
if ( %FiSH.dh [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1 ) {
echo "No keyXchange in progress!"
if ($len($2) > 178 && $len($2) < 182) {
if ($len(%FiSH.prv_key) == 180 || $len(%FiSH.prv_key) == 181) {
var %secret = $dll(%FiSH_dll,DH1080_comp, %FiSH.prv_key $2)
if ($3 == CBC) FiSH.setkey $nick cbc: $+ %secret
else FiSH.setkey $nick %secret
unset %FiSH.dh $+ [ $nick ]
unset %FiSH.prv_key
unset %FiSH.pub_key
unset %secret

alias -l FiSH.WriteKey {
if ($2 == /query) var %cur_contact = $active
else var %cur_contact = $2
if ($3- == $null) return

$dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_WriteKey10,$1 $network %cur_contact $3-)

var %info = *** FiSH: Key for %cur_contact set to *censored* $iif($gettok($3-,1,58) == cbc, (CBC Mode), )

if ($window(%cur_contact) == $null) echo $color(Mode text) -at %info
else echo $color(Mode text) -tm %cur_contact %info

alias FiSH.setkey { FiSH.WriteKey decode_utf8 $1 $2- }
alias FiSH.setkey_utf8 { FiSH.WriteKey raw_bytes $1 $2- }

alias FiSH.usechankey {
var %theKey = $readini(%blow_ini,$2,key)
if (%theKey == $null) {
echo $color(Mode text) -at *** FiSH: No valid key for $2 found
else {
writeini -n %blow_ini $1 key %theKey
writeini -n %blow_ini $1 date $date
unset %theKey
echo $color(Mode text) -at *** FiSH: Using same key as $2 for $1

alias FiSH.showkey {
if ($1 == /query) var %cur_contact = $active
else var %cur_contact = $1

%theKey = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10, $network %cur_contact)
if (%theKey != $null) {
window -dCo +l @Blowcrypt-Key -1 -1 500 80
aline @Blowcrypt-Key Key for %cur_contact :
aline -p @Blowcrypt-Key %theKey
unset %theKey
else {
echo $color(Mode text) -at *** FiSH: No valid key for %cur_contact found

alias FiSH.removekey {
if ($1 == /query) var %cur_contact = $active
else var %cur_contact = $1
$dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_DelKey10,$network %cur_contact)
echo $color(Mode text) -at *** FiSH: Key for %cur_contact has been removed

alias keyx { FiSH.DH1080_INIT $1 }

alias FiSH.DH1080_INIT {
if ( ($1 == /query) || ($1 == $null) ) var %cur_contact = $active
else var %cur_contact = $1
set %FiSH.dh $+ [ %cur_contact ] 1
var %tempkey $dll(%FiSH_dll,DH1080_gen,NOT_USED)
%FiSH.prv_key = $gettok(%tempkey, 1, 32)
%FiSH.pub_key = $gettok(%tempkey, 2, 32)
unset %tempkey
.NOTICE %cur_contact DH1080_INIT %FiSH.pub_key $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetSectionBool,$network %cur_contact dh1080_cbc 1) == 0,, CBC)
echo $color(Mode text) -tm $nick *** FiSH: Sent my DH1080 public key to %cur_contact $+ , waiting for reply ...

; Decrypt topic changes if enabled
on ^*:TOPIC:#:{
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetSectionBool,$network $chan encrypt_topic 0) != 1) {

if ($left($1,3) != +OK && $left($1,4) != mcps) {
if ($left($1,3) == +OK) {
var %msg = $right($1-,$calc($len($1-) - 4))

if ($left($1,4) == mcps) {
var %msg = $right($1-,$calc($len($1-) - 5))

var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10,$network $target)
if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %msg = $iif($left($1,1) == *,$right($1-, $calc($len($1-) - 1)), $1-)
echo $color(topic) -t # * $nick changes topic to: $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg,%key %msg)

; Decrypt initial topic if enabled
raw 332:*:{
if ($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetSectionBool,$network $2 encrypt_topic 0) != 1) {

if ($left($3,3) != +OK) {

var %key = $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetKey10,$network $2)
if ($len(%key) > 1) {
var %msg = $iif($left($3,1) == *,$right($3-, $calc($len($3-) - 1)), $3-)
echo $color(topic) -t $2 * Topic is: $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg,%key %msg)

alias FiSH.prefix {
if ($1 != $null) {
writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH plain_prefix $1-
flushini mirc.ini
echo $color(Mode text) -at *** FiSH: Plain-prefix set to $1-

alias FiSH.showmyip {
window -dCo +l @Local-IP -1 -1 500 80
aline @Local-IP Your external IP address :
aline -p @Local-IP $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetMyIP,FiSH)

menu channel {
.Show key :FiSH.showkey $chan
.Set new key :FiSH.setkey $chan $?
.Set new key (UTF-8) :FiSH.setkey_utf8 $chan $?
.Remove key :FiSH.removekey $chan

menu query {
.DH1080 keyXchange: FiSH.DH1080_INIT $1
.Show key :FiSH.showkey $1
.Set new key :FiSH.setkey $1 $?
.Set new key (UTF-8) :FiSH.setkey_utf8 $1 $?
.Remove key :FiSH.removekey $1

menu nicklist {
.DH1080 keyXchange: FiSH.DH1080_INIT $1
.Show key :FiSH.showkey $1
.Set new key :FiSH.setkey $1 $?
.Set new key (UTF-8) :FiSH.setkey_utf8 $1 $?
.Remove key :FiSH.removekey $1
.Use same key as $chan :FiSH.usechankey $1 $chan

menu status,channel,nicklist,query {
.Set plain-prefix $chr(91) $readini(%blow_ini,FiSH,plain_prefix) $chr(93) :FiSH.prefix $?="Enter new plain-prefix:"
.Auto-KeyXchange $+ $chr(32) $+ %autokeyx
..Enable :set %autokeyx [On]
..Disable :set %autokeyx [Off]
.Local IP
..Set local IP now: localinfo FiSH.OWNZ $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetMyIP,FiSH)
..Set after connecting $+ $chr(32) $+ %autoset_localip
...Enable :set %autoset_localip [On]
...Disable :set %autoset_localip [Off]
..Copy local IP to clipboard: clipboard $dll(%FiSH_dll,FiSH_GetMyIP,FiSH)
..Show local IP :FiSH.showmyip
.Misc config
..Encrypt outgoing $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_outgoing 1) == 0, [Off], [On])
...Enable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH process_outgoing 1
...Disable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH process_outgoing 0
..Decrypt incoming $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,process_incoming 1) == 0, [Off], [On])
...Enable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH process_incoming 1
...Disable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH process_incoming 0
..Crypt-Mark (Incoming)
...Prefix :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH mark_position 2
...Suffix :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH mark_position 1
...Disable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH mark_position 0
..Crypt-Mark (Outgoing) $+ $chr(32) $+ %mark_outgoing
...Enable :set %mark_outgoing [On]
...Disable :set %mark_outgoing [Off]
...Style 1 :{
set %mark_style 1
set %mark_outgoing [On]
...Style 2 :{
set %mark_style 2
set %mark_outgoing [On]
...Style 3 :{
set %mark_style 3
set %mark_outgoing [On]
..NickTracker $+ $chr(32) $+ %NickTrack
...Enable :set %NickTrack [On]
...Disable :set %NickTrack [Off]
..Encrypt NOTICE $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,encrypt_notice) == 1, [On], [Off])
...Enable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH encrypt_notice 1
...Disable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH encrypt_notice 0
..Encrypt ACTION $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool,encrypt_action) == 1, [On], [Off])
...Enable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH encrypt_action 1
...Disable :writeini -n %blow_ini FiSH encrypt_action 0
..Open blow.ini :run %blow_ini
..FiSH 10 - based on FiSH 1.30 by RXD :run

menu channel {
.Misc config
..Crypt-Mark (Incoming)
...Only for $chan $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll, INI_GetSectionBool,$network $chan mark_encrypted $dll(%FiSH_dll, INI_GetBool,mark_encrypted)) == 0, [Off], [On])
....Enable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $chan mark_encrypted 1
....Disable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $chan mark_encrypted 0
..Encrypt TOPIC $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll, INI_GetSectionBool,$network $chan encrypt_topic 0) == 1, [On], [Off])
...Enable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $chan encrypt_topic 1
...Disable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $chan encrypt_topic 0

menu query {
.Misc config
..Crypt-Mark (Incoming)
...Only for $1 $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll, INI_GetSectionBool,$network $1 mark_encrypted $dll(%FiSH_dll,INI_GetBool, mark_encrypted)) == 0, [Off], [On])
....Enable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $1 mark_encrypted 1
....Disable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $1 mark_encrypted 1
..CBC key exchange $iif($dll(%FiSH_dll, INI_GetSectionBool,$network $1 dh1080_cbc 1) == 1, [On], [Off])
...Enable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $1 dh1080_cbc 1
...Disable :dll %FiSH_dll INI_SetSectionBool $network $1 dh1080_cbc 0