You don't need to escape characters in MSL, there are certain exceptions, in this case, you get an error because you have the { bracket on a separate line, it must be on the same line as the /if command, like this:Per Amundsen
It's as fast as it's ever going to get, you can try type this in the Editbox to use a older version of the RichtextBox /setoption Misc UseOldRtb True You might have to restart for it to take effect, To revert, type /setoption Misc Use...Per Amundsen
Not sure what the "servername" is suppose to be. You can use the labels from the serverlist with this option Keep in mind it also a...Per Amundsen
Assuming you mean it literally says "servername" and not e.g "Libera.Chat", make sure this is enabled as well Per Amundsen
Not exactly what you want, but for now you can use the [[on DARKMODECHANGED]] event to perform [[/setoption]] Colors ColorN=rrr,ggg,bbb to change the colors.Per Amundsen