

Per Amundsen

  • Login: kr0n
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  • Registered on: 05/08/2008
  • Last sign in: 01/17/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 62 5578 5640
Reported issues 1 4767 4768


Project Roles Registered on
AdiIRC Developer 05/08/2008



05:54 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: how to encapsulate or escape string?
You don't need to escape characters in MSL, there are certain exceptions, in this case, you get an error because you have the { bracket on a separate line, it must be on the same line as the /if command, like this: Per Amundsen
05:48 AM AdiIRC Bug #5807: Spellchecker is causing severe lag in editbox
It's as fast as it's ever going to get, you can try type this in the Editbox to use a older version of the RichtextBox /setoption Misc UseOldRtb True
You might have to restart for it to take effect, To revert, type /setoption Misc Use...
Per Amundsen


10:17 PM AdiIRC Bug #5806: Serverlist group labels option should show a warning/notice
Yeah, I typically add prompts in such options, it should be one there as well. Per Amundsen
09:27 PM AdiIRC Bug #5806: Serverlist group labels option should show a warning/notice
The label option does that, you might have to restart AdiIRC after enabling it. Per Amundsen
03:10 PM AdiIRC Bug #5806: Serverlist group labels option should show a warning/notice
Not sure what the "servername" is suppose to be. You can use the labels from the serverlist with this option
Keep in mind it also a...
Per Amundsen
05:43 AM AdiIRC Bug #5806: Serverlist group labels option should show a warning/notice
Assuming you mean it literally says "servername" and not e.g "Libera.Chat", make sure this is enabled as well
Per Amundsen
05:31 AM AdiIRC Bug #5806: Serverlist group labels option should show a warning/notice
Check Per Amundsen


08:31 AM AdiIRC Feature #5805: Add switch theme api
Description of colors here Per Amundsen
08:29 AM AdiIRC Feature #5805: Add switch theme api
Not exactly what you want, but for now you can use the [[on DARKMODECHANGED]] event to perform [[/setoption]] Colors ColorN=rrr,ggg,bbb to change the colors. Per Amundsen


09:11 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: How to bind AdiIRC to a network adapter?
I would use the proxy option, if the proxy is not responding, adiirc is not connecting. Per Amundsen

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