


Highlights / alert question

Added by Dark Viper about 7 years ago

What if i wanted to make a alert/highlight that would only trigger if 2 key things was said anyplace in a message instead of only 1?

like for example "RatSigna" and "PC" said in a message would trigger the highlight/alert.

can this be done & if so can someone plz tell me?!

Replies (4)

RE: Highlights / alert question - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

You would have to use a Regular Expression, try add this as a new highlight text RatSigna.*PC|PC.*RatSigna , and check the Regex checkbox.

RE: Highlights / alert question - Added by Dark Viper about 7 years ago

would it have to be worded just like that ? with the | and repeating them?
or would



RE: Highlights / alert question - Added by Per Amundsen about 7 years ago

yes that would work if RATSIGNAL always comes before PC, in my example any word can come before the other.

RE: Highlights / alert question - Added by Dark Viper about 7 years ago

o ic, ty so much! ill add that info my current setup.

1 last question, for science!
is their a code to after the trigger word in a message to ignore if said other trigger is said?

example: trigger1 broke the trigger2
so alert would not work because trigger2 was said!

or a more real example:
RATSIGNAL - CMDR name - System: name (71.31 LY from Sol) - Platform: XB - O2: OK - Language: English (en-US)

RATSIGNAL being the trigger1, XB being trigger2 which is the one they want ignored but they also would like a 3rd trigger for PS4 to be ignored

had a friend bring up this idea, so that they could maybe have a RATSIGNAL that still went off anytime said by its self + in the standered use for PC users only
