Macro bindings for messaging??
Added by blake b almost 6 years ago
Hey! I was wondering if it's at all possible to set up macro keybinds to a midi controller and execute a command to output a line of text into a specific channel.
I use adiIRC for means of communication through text chat whilst active in a game. I'd like to use my Novation Pad 8x8 MIDI controller and bind a key to a command, almost like a control panel, to use for quick comms.
Button 1: Output in channel #chatroom "Hey, move to here!"
Button 2: Press Enter to send the message
Button 3: Output in channel #chatroom "Ops complete, moving out"
Replies (5)
RE: Macro bindings for messaging?? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 6 years ago
You probably have to create a AdiIRC plugin using the AdiIRC APIv2 to listen for MIDI controller events using something like, then perform IWindow.Execute with "/msg #channel <message>" as the command.
Or if you know how to program the controller, you could make it write text to a file, then using scripting and a /timer to periodically $read the file and then perform the command if the file has data, then /remove the file.
Other things to check out for interacting with AdiIRC externally, DLL Support, Plugins, DDE,
RE: Macro bindings for messaging?? - Added by blake b almost 6 years ago
Sweet. I'll have to experiement with that. Never heard of IWindow.Execute but will get right on this!
RE: Macro bindings for messaging?? - Added by blake b almost 6 years ago
Hey so I finally got back home (from deployment) and decided to give this a try. Way out of my expertise levels. Can't figure out how to launch the midi toolkit, but I think I understand your execute message for command, just not sure where to apply it.
Seems like a simple concept requiring a lengthy process, is it easier than I may be making it, or should I consider hiring someone to build it or something.
RE: Macro bindings for messaging?? - Added by Per Amundsen almost 6 years ago
The MIDI toolkit I assume is some sort of library which you can use inside a AdiIRC plugin to control a MIDI controller. Both the MIDI library and AdiIRC plugins are written in the c# programming language. I don't personally know anything about MIDI controllers so I can't be of much help, just found the tools in case you knew how to use them.
RE: Macro bindings for messaging?? - Added by blake b almost 6 years ago
Awesome! I'll do some more research.