Changing Text Colour
Added by Mike McDermott almost 5 years ago
I prefer a black background and a red text for my own text and the text in the channels as well (I find it much better for my eyes). For whatever reason I can get my own text red but not the text in the channels that I am in. I have played around with all the 'Color Settings' in the Options Menu' with no luck as the text of other people in the channels stays white/gray. Can someone please help me out with this?
Also is there any way to change the color of the channel that you're in on the top 'Tool Bar'? For example, I want the channel to not stay red all the time and only go red when there is text typed in a channel and go blue when someone joins or leaves the channel. For some reason, the channels that I'm in stay red continuously even when there is no typed dialogue the channel. I hope that I'm making sense with this.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Replies (5)
RE: Changing Text Colour - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
Other peoples line colors is set in Options -> Colors -> Messages -> "Normal".
The text colors for Switchbar/Treebar are set in Options -> Colors -> Switchbar/Treebar.
"Highlights" is the color used when a window has a new highlighted message.
"Message" is the color used when a window has a new message.
"System" is the color used when a window has a new join/part/quit/etc message.
"Normal" is the color used when there is no new messages of any kind for the current active window.
"Inactive" is the color used when there is no new messages of any kind for windows other than the current active window.
RE: Changing Text Colour - Added by Mike McDermott almost 5 years ago
Thank you so much for your very 'down to earth' simplistic reply. I think I got it now!
I have one more question. I like having the channels that I'm in in a specific order. Is there any way to do this? When I initially log in, I join the channels in the order that I went them in but for some reason, AdilIRC puts them in a different order. Is there a way around that?
Thank you once again for your help, it is greatly appreciated!
RE: Changing Text Colour - Added by Per Amundsen almost 5 years ago
You can change how windows are sorted in Options -> Windows -> Window Order.
RE: Changing Text Colour - Added by Mike McDermott almost 5 years ago
Thanks again, I'll give it a try.
Kind regards,
RE: Changing Text Colour - Added by Mike McDermott almost 5 years ago
Everything seems to be working perfectly now with regarding to my 'color settings', etc. Do you recommend anything else with AdiIRC?
Thanks again for your help!
Kind regards,