Log from away mode
Added by Charlie Sorrow about 4 years ago
Is there any way that while we are in away mode, messages from channels containing our nickname will be displayed in a separate window or a separate * .log file that we can view when we return from away mode? Because sometimes we are in away mode long enough that when we return, messages addressed to us are no longer visible in the main channel window and we have to browse the * .log file.
Replies (11)
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago
Check Menubar -> View -> Highlights.
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Charlie Sorrow about 4 years ago
Thank you.
There is only one problem. Not all nicknames with permissions on the channel (e.g. voice) appear with these permissions (e.g. +). This means that permission markings are visible for all nicks in the nickname list. But in the news on the channel, not all nicknames have these marks. As a result, in the highlight window, in the case of a nick next to which the permission mark does not appear in the channel window, the name of the channel appears in the 'nick' column. However, the nickname of the person who wrote the message with the highlighted content is moved to the 'message' column
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago
Not sure what you are talking about, a screenshot would help.
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Charlie Sorrow about 4 years ago
@Per Amundsen: look at this.
All nicknames (Suuu, galazka_jabloni, zxcv) have voice permission. But only in messages from the nick zxcv is the + sign visible.
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago
I need to see the raw message to understand this.
Open Menubar -> File -> Rawlog, the next highlight you get, go to the Rawlog window and find the raw message, then copy/paste it here.
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Charlie Sorrow about 4 years ago
<- 2021-02-24 21:48:07 - :Antenka!~z3xd8d1H@ PRIVMSG #towarzyski :%Fi%Charlie_Sorrow cześć <- 2021-02-24 21:56:44 - :zxcv!~z3040c20@webczat PRIVMSG #towarzyski :Charlie_Sorrow jestes?
Both nicks have voice permissions. But only in messages from the nick zxcv there is + displayed next to the nick.
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago
Not sure what voice or + have to do with anything.
Both of these messages produces channel = #towarzyski and nick = Antenka/zxcv in the highlight monitor. I need a raw message that produces nick = #towarzys.
Are you using a script that prints the messages with /echo -l ?
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Charlie Sorrow about 4 years ago
@Per Amundsen: Here You go.
-> 2021-02-25 20:51:06 - :matylda1978!~bc63893d@webczat PRIVMSG #towarzyski :%Fbi%%C959595%Charlie_Sorrow ))
I am using the following four scripts:
on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[Fib]+%%C0%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tblfmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[Fib]+%%C([0-9a-f]+)%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tblfmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%C0%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tblfmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[C0-9a-f]+%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -mtbflw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[Fib]+%)/:*:{ var %text $replace($1-,$regml(1),) echo -tbflmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) %text halt } on $^*:TEXT:/^(%[I]+%)/:*:{ echo -tbflmw2 $+(<,$nick,>) $+ jakas ikona halt } CTCP *:VERSION:*: halt
on *:join:%wchannels: { whois $nick $nick } menu Channel { Whois On Join .Enabled { set %wchannels $addtok(%wchannels,#,44) echo 4 -at ••• Whois on join is 7Enabled 4(for # $+ ) } .Disabled { set %wchannels $remtok(%wchannels,#,1,44) echo 4 -at ••• Whois on join is 7Disabled 4(for # $+ ) } }
on *:join:%wchannels: { ns info $nick } menu Channel { Info On Join .Enabled { set %wchannels $addtok(%wchannels,#,44) echo 4 -at ••• Info on join is 7Enabled 4(for # $+ ) } .Disabled { set %wchannels $remtok(%wchannels,#,1,44) echo 4 -at ••• Info on join is 7Disabled 4(for # $+ ) } }
alias F1 { n2a.tab $target $n2a($gettok($editbox(#),$n2a.token(#),32)) } alias n2a { return $iif($address($1,5),$v1,$1) } alias -l n2a.tab { editbox $puttok($editbox($1),$2,$n2a.token($1),32) } alias -l n2a.token { return $numtok($left($editbox($1),$editbox($1).selstart),32) }
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago
Okay so you are using a /echo -l script, that explains things. Since /echo cannot distinguish between a nick and the message, it's all just a line of random text, the Highlight Monitor Panel uses the window name as "nick" for highlights.
For next beta I changed it so it uses the first word in the line as "nick" in the Highlight Monitor Panel, in this case that would be <matylda1978> ... notice that it will always have the <> because it has to use the full first word as is.
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Charlie Sorrow about 4 years ago
@Per Amundsen:
I updated AdiIRC to the latest beta. Unfortunately it doesn't work.
-> 2021-03-01 19:05:14 - :Inco!~zxBxc0ex@webczat PRIVMSG #towarzyski :%Fbi%%C008100%Charlie_Sorrow %Igraba% <- 2021-03-01 19:09:52 - :zxcv!~z3040c49@webczat PRIVMSG #towarzyski :Charlie_Sorrow %Igraba%
I think the problem is something else.
I enter an IRC-based chat, which has a graphical interface on the website - for less technically advanced users who wouldn't be able to configure an IRC client.
This interface includes, among other things, emoticons and the ability to format text.
E.g. text:
%Fbi%%C008100% Charlie_Sorrow %Igraba%
means the user is using a bold (b) font (F) and italics (i) in the color #C008100. In the above example, he also used the "graba" emoticon in the l tags.
The script that uses /echo -l, the code of which I gave above, is designed to remove text formatting markers from the message so that they don't clutter the contents of the main screen.
I have noticed that the problem with displaying the nick in the appropriate column Highlight Monitor concerns a message written by the user which uses text formatting, which formatting removes the above-mentioned script.
The operation of this script also causes that next to the nicks of people using text formatting (in the main window of the channel) I do not see permission markings (e.g. '+' for voice).
So how do you write this script correctly so that it fulfills its role while not causing errors in the Highlight Monitor?
RE: Log from away mode - Added by Per Amundsen about 4 years ago
The beta is unreleased so that's not surprising.