


AdiIRC Crashes after trying some MTS Themes

Added by swarfega . over 10 years ago


I've been trying out some MTS themes and it was going well until I came across one called Negative-Entropy (, which now crashes ADiIRC on startup and I can no longer use it. I tried searching for where the program stores which theme its using in local folder and RegEdit but no luck.

Replies (3)

RE: AdiIRC Crashes after trying some MTS Themes - Added by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago

It's usually in c:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\AdiIRC\Themes or c:\program files\adiirc\Themes

But to fix this, open the folder \Scripts in this folder and delete ThemeCache.ini.

I will test this script and see what's up.

RE: AdiIRC Crashes after trying some MTS Themes - Added by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago

Also you need to delete thememanager.ini in the same folder it seems.

RE: AdiIRC Crashes after trying some MTS Themes - Added by swarfega . over 10 years ago

That worked, thank you. I shall carry on trying out MTS themes.
