


@search doesn't do anything

Added by L Dwijk about 2 years ago

I'm just an occasional user of AdiIRC. After a few moths wanted to use it yesterday. For a while I could search and then suddenly I get no results. Waited a day but it's stille the same. I'm connected and type in @search as always, but nothing happens. (also no errormessage)
Where to look for the solution?

Replies (3)

RE: @search doesn't do anything - Added by Per Amundsen about 2 years ago

If you are talking about searching log files, make sure the logs dialog have the right log folder, and that you are matching on *.log filenames.

RE: @search doesn't do anything - Added by L Dwijk about 2 years ago

I mean the @search-funcion in the #ebooks-channel. Using it suddenly doesnt do anything at all.

RE: @search doesn't do anything - Added by Per Amundsen about 2 years ago

That is not related to adiirc, you would have to ask admins/ops on this channel.
