


Nicklist issues when using Hotlink/hotline events

Added by Deso Lator almost 2 years ago


Using Hotlink and hotline events is causing the nicklist right click menus to fail to appear.

Tested with mirc 7.72 and no issues.
Running 4.4 Beta Adiirc suffers the issue.
The addon being used puts server notices into @windows where ircops can then perform actions based on the window name.
The @windows work with no problems but it seems to prevent nicklist right click from appearing in channels.

Coding used to reproduce issue:

ON ^1:HOTLINK:<name removed>:@:{
  if ($chr(64) isin $1-) { halt }

ON *:HOTLINK:*:*:{
  if (($cid == 1) && ($active == @Stats)) {
  if (($cid == 1) && ($active == @TKLS)) {
  if (($cid == 1) && ($active == @nick)) {

Replies (4)

RE: Nicklist issues when using Hotlink/hotline events - Added by Per Amundsen almost 2 years ago

There is a } missing, assuming that is a typo.

I tested in both adiirc and mirc, and it blocks the nicklist menu in both, you need a /halt for cases where it shouldn't block the menu, eg:

ON ^1:HOTLINK:<name removed>:@:{
  if ($chr(64) isin $1-) { halt }

ON *:HOTLINK:*:*:{
  if (($cid == 1) && ($active == @Stats)) {
    ; do something

  if (($cid == 1) && ($active == @TKLS)) {
    ; do something

  if (($cid == 1) && ($active == @nick)) {
    ; do something


RE: Nicklist issues when using Hotlink/hotline events - Added by Deso Lator almost 2 years ago


Thanks for the swift reply, I believe I need to make the issue more clear sorry!

With the coding loaded, when our ircops change to #chatchannel they claim when they right click on a nick in the main window (not nicklist as they lead me to believe), there is no nicklist menu appearing unless the unload the hotline/link coding.

Another issue also links in PVTS and in channel windows have the hand icon appear but clicking doesn't open the link.

I added the returns as you have but this did not fix the issue.

RE: Nicklist issues when using Hotlink/hotline events - Added by Deso Lator almost 2 years ago

Nvm fixed it, i missed your halt in the hotline and all is working. thanks and sorry! :)

RE: Nicklist issues when using Hotlink/hotline events - Added by Per Amundsen almost 2 years ago

Since you are matching HOTLINK on every single text in every single window, every text you click in all windows will be blocked, to unblock, you must use /halt in the cases where you don't want to block. In my example, I put the /halt at the bottom so it unblocks everything not matching your /if statements.
