Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart
Added by Like Fireal about 1 year ago
Every time I restart the client, chats start from zero, eventhough I have logs enabled.
Not talking about chats history while not present on channel, just when I am on channel and rejoin or restart client.
Thank you!
Replies (8)
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Like Fireal about 1 year ago
Thank you for the fast reply.
Yes, I have that enabled. Let me send you some screenshots as I was already trying to troubleshoot that on the Libera #adiIRC channel with user ham5 (he deserves a reward for days of troubleshooting there):
Also, as additional info, as user ham5 suggested, I have checked if logging works and when right clicking on a channel in the treebar > Logging > View > it opens my logs with days of history. They're just not reloading/showing in the main window after quitting and joining back in.
Thank you!
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago
That restore number might be causing a overflow, have you tried something lower, like 1000 ?
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago
Also cheek if there are any errors in the "Debug" tab in the Menubar -> File -> Rawlog.
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Like Fireal about 1 year ago
Ah, yes, it works now. ham5 also suggested that, but I was stubbornly trying to sort the problem while also having an as long as possible chat history.
Will play with that number to see how far it can go.
Thank you!
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago
Awesome, I'll make sure it doesn't overflow for next beta.
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Like Fireal about 1 year ago
So logging is storing lines on the hard drive, right?
Trimming is how big you want your logs to be on the hard drive.
Restore is how many lines your client reloads when joining a channel.
And what's buffer?
Thank you.
RE: Chats history not loading after rejoin or client restart - Added by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago
Correct. Buffer depends on context, but usually it means the messages stored inside the channel window.