Tips on Highlight
Added by Leonel Faria almost 10 years ago
Hello again,
Although I have tips disabled, every time I get my nickname highlighted (I want the hilight option enabled), I always get the Tip (I believe this is how we call the small balloon that popup near the clock at taskbar).
Isn't there any way to disable this behavior? Resuming I want Highlight on but I dont want the tips to show up. Is it possible?
Windows 8.1 64bit
AdiIRC 1.9.7 Beta Build 2015/05/17 64 Bit
Replies (2)
RE: Tips on Highlight - Added by Per Amundsen almost 10 years ago
Go to Options -> Highlights, mark the $me item, then press the "Edit" button to the right, in there you can control the tips for this highlight.
RE: Tips on Highlight - Added by Leonel Faria almost 10 years ago
Damn, the option was right under my nose.
Thanks again!