Question about customizing the user message prefix.
Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
I'm using the latest stable version of AdiIRC and am having some trouble when trying to change the channel message prefix to something other than the default.
I have changed the message prefix user option to: %status $nick * although it seems that nothing has changed. The channel messages remain the same as the default
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong or not adjusting the correct settings? I'm also curious as to how I would go about changing all of the message nicks to a single color rather than adding each nickname individually or using the random color option.
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
Replies (12)
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by Mr. BS about 9 years ago
%status is not valid for this field, what you can use is:
$nick = returns user nick, eg. joe
$status = returns only the user channel prefix status, eg. @ + % etc..
$pnick = is the junction of both above, eg. @joe +joe.
You can add the color directly to this field the same way you send a channel message, example:
Pressing ctrl+k it will show the color popup.
Alternatively, you use the "Nick Colors" feature:
Options -> Nick Colors... enable it and add a new entry with nick field empty, then it will apply for all nicks.
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
Okay. How do i change the style of the announce from <+bot> to say something like +bot.
I want to remove the <> but removing them in the message prefix user option doesn't seem to work.
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by Mr. BS about 9 years ago
Unless you are using some script, what you set to prefix fields will change all messages output in buffer area.
If still not working, give us an example how to replicate the behavior.
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
I'm trying to change the nick style to something similar to the image below wich doesnt seem to be encased in <>
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by Mr. BS about 9 years ago
There is no secret, if you remove <> from prefix fields it will output similar to screenshot above, see example:
Pay attention to User field.
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
That's exactly what I have done and exactly how my field looks at the moment. I have even restarted adiirc after making the changes but it didn't seem to change anything for me.
The nicks are still showing as <+bot>.
That's why i was curious if I was doing something wrong
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by Mr. BS about 9 years ago
Are you using any script? If affirmative, type in your client:
/scripts off
And test if it will print correctly, if yes, then you need to find which one is interfering in output.
If problem persists try to reset Messages section, just right click as in screenshot bellow:
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
Reset this page seems to have fixed my issue. Thank you =)
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by Mr. BS about 9 years ago
Good. If you have any idea what possibly caused this issue please let us to know. Eg. after to apply a theme or something.
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
It seems the problem may be due to the Zenburn theme. I was using this theme while having trouble changing the user message prefix.
After changing back to the default theme and clicking reset this page, the message prefix change worked.
I then switched back to the Zenburn theme and the previous problem has reappeared.
I have two scripts loaded. irc connection stats v0.1 ( and blowfish (
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by Mr. BS about 9 years ago
Oh, mystery solved I think. This Blowfish script has hardcoded <> chars surrounding nick, line 83:
echo -trlmbf $iif($chan, $chan, $nick) < $+ $iif($nick($chan, $nick).pnick, $+ $nick($chan, $nick).color $+ $v1 $+ , $nick) $+ > $dll(%FiSH_dll, FiSH_decrypt_msg, %key %msg)
Need a little rewrite to generate this line based on user config, like was done in this other script.
Let's see if Kr0n will update the script soon.
RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix. - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
Okay. Cool