

joe zaza

  • Login: joezaza
  • Registered on: 02/04/2016
  • Last sign in: 03/03/2016


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04:45 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
Okay. Cool joe zaza
04:12 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
It seems the problem may be due to the Zenburn theme. I was using this theme while having trouble changing the user m... joe zaza
03:55 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
Reset this page seems to have fixed my issue. Thank you =) joe zaza
03:33 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
That's exactly what I have done and exactly how my field looks at the moment. I have even restarted adiirc after maki... joe zaza
02:52 AM AdiIRC Support: RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
I'm trying to change the nick style to something similar to the image below wich doesnt seem to be encased in <>
joe zaza


11:39 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
Okay. How do i change the style of the announce from <+bot> to say something like +bot.
I want to remove the <> bu...
joe zaza


08:34 PM AdiIRC Support: Question about customizing the user message prefix.
I'm using the latest stable version of AdiIRC and am having some trouble when trying to change the channel message pr... joe zaza


02:41 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish
Much appreciated. joe zaza
02:31 PM AdiIRC Support: RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish
Works. Thank you. I may have encountered another issue. It doesn't seem to decrypt +OK topics in the topic box, altho... joe zaza
12:21 AM AdiIRC Support: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish
It seems to decrypt +OK messages just fine but doesn't seem to decrypt mcps. Any idea why or how to fix? joe zaza

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