Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish
Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
It seems to decrypt +OK messages just fine but doesn't seem to decrypt mcps. Any idea why or how to fix?
Replies (5)
RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish - Added by Per Amundsen about 9 years ago
A few changes is needed in the script, try replace the fish_10.ini script with the attached script here.
Will update the blowfish download with the script as well.
fish_10.ini (15.4 KB) fish_10.ini |
RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish - Added by joe zaza about 9 years ago
Works. Thank you. I may have encountered another issue. It doesn't seem to decrypt +OK topics in the topic box, although the channel topic output in the message window appears to be decrypted.
RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish - Added by Per Amundsen about 9 years ago
Yeah I will add something to allow the script to print the topic to the Topicbox (AdiIRC only sees the encrypted text).
Will notify you here when I do.
RE: Problem with ParAd0x's Blowfish - Added by Per Amundsen about 9 years ago
I made a hack for it, not perfect but seems to do the job.