


change space between msg lines, and turn my letter bold permanently

Added by Eduardo Bedoya over 8 years ago

Hi Im using AdiIRC 1.9.8
recently when I log into a channel, all the messages (the people messages that appear one line above another line and so on)
well all the lines are very separated from each other, some time ago, the lines were together with almost not space, How can I change that???
Is there a way I can set the space between msg lines? it also happens in private message windows.

I know in the OPTIONS how to change my letter color, but I cant find how to make it bold or not permantly, I now about the CTRL B, but it only works, for one msg,
I would like to make my letter bold always.

THanks Advanced for your support.

Replies (4)

RE: change space between msg lines, and turn my letter bold permanently - Added by Joe Lastname over 8 years ago

1) Options -> messages -> scroll half way down to "spacing". Choose your choice.

2) untested: add a custom highlight (in options->highlight) for $me, set the color to blank

RE: change space between msg lines, and turn my letter bold permanently - Added by Eduardo Bedoya over 8 years ago

Thx Joey,
could you please tell me, how do I make my letter BOLD permantly?? so every message I post is automatically BOLD??

PD: what is the custom highlight for????
Thanks advanced.

RE: change space between msg lines, and turn my letter bold permanently - Added by Per Amundsen over 8 years ago

There is no such option currently.

It is however possible to use the on INPUT event to reformat the outgoing text.

RE: change space between msg lines, and turn my letter bold permanently - Added by Eduardo Bedoya over 8 years ago

Thanks Joey
I found it on
Options >> Messages >> Font >> Messages >> Bold
Thanks Again
