


Nick prefix gone in messages after updating to 2.5?

Added by Gabriel Pasternak over 8 years ago


I just updated to 2.5 from 2.4 and apparently (unless I'm missing the option to change it back) there is no way to put your nick prefix in your message. I mean, in 2.4 I would read:
<@randomnick> randomtext
<&randomnick2> randomtext

But in 2.5:
<randomnick> randomtext
<randomnick2> randomtext

And I haven't made any changes whatsoever to the settings. I don't know if there's an option I'm missing, so I'd appreciate any help.

Thanks advanced.

Replies (2)

RE: Nick prefix gone in messages after updating to 2.5? - Added by Per Amundsen over 8 years ago

Thanks, yeah this seems to be a bug, you can check "Options -> Nick colors -> Enable nick colors" to temporary fix it

RE: Nick prefix gone in messages after updating to 2.5? - Added by Gabriel Pasternak over 8 years ago

That was fast! Already enabled the option, thanks for the help.
