Switchbar with more then one line??
Added by johan winberg about 8 years ago
Is it possible to have like topic says in options i only find 1 line or auto ?
I would like to have 5-10 lines so i can see all my channels in a good overview .
Like it is now its hide and the end of the bar so i have to click to see all channels?
Thanks in advance!
Replies (4)
RE: Switchbar with more then one line?? - Added by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago
Try right-click any bar, then make sure "Lock bars" is on, also I suggest using the Treebar instead.
RE: Switchbar with more then one line?? - Added by johan winberg about 8 years ago
aah ty!!
But why use treebar ?
RE: Switchbar with more then one line?? - Added by Per Amundsen about 8 years ago
I made the Treebar myself and has no (known) bugs, the Switchbar is a heavily modified .NET control with various bugs.
RE: Switchbar with more then one line?? - Added by johan winberg about 8 years ago
aah ok maybe i should try get used to reebar instead then its just that i want to see all channels in one view and in treebar i cant i think