


Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013

Added by Sylvester T. about 12 years ago

I'm a long time user of Avira Premium 2013 (antivirus).

Unfortunately, AdiIRC seems to trigger a detection, thus it can't be used when Avira is running. This happens with both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of AdiIRC.

I already contacted Avira and submitted the executables, flagging them as false positives, but upon analysis they claim the program contains 'Security Risk: IrcJoin' pattern. I contacted them again explaining this was to be expected because it's and IRC client, but they maintain their detection result for AdiIRC on 'RISK'.

Other than this retarded incident, I'm always very happy with Avira, and many people with me. So it may avoid lotsa trouble for many users if you could get in touch with Avira yourself, demanding they review your software. Or, maybe, recompile a newer version and hopefully this will not trigger any false alarms anymore (in case the detection for the currecnt versions was just a one-time glitch).

Hope this helps. Keep up the good stuff, AdiIRC rules!

Replies (7)

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Per Amundsen about 12 years ago

Hm this is odd, I just installed both the free version and a premium version of Avira, and both reported all my AdiIRC.exe files as clean.

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Sylvester T. about 12 years ago

Thanks for the fast feedback. Now that I think of it - dunno if this matters, but I'm using the portable version of AdiIRC.

If I download the portable current release, either 32 or 64 bit, from, both executables are considered a risk by my Avira (Premium 2013 with all the latest updates).

You can also submit one or more executables manually to Avira's analysis department: I expect them to give you the same result as I got (i.e. "risk" / triggers detection flag).

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Per Amundsen about 12 years ago

Yeah i scanned all versions, and Avira says everything is okay, ill send them for analysis and see what they say.

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Sylvester T. about 12 years ago

I guess the folks at Avira finally picked it up and included it in one of their daily updates, cause I am now no longer getting any detection warnings. Awesome!

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Per Amundsen about 12 years ago

I wrote them an angry mail 6 days ago, still no human reply, but maybe hopefully they fixed it permanently now :D

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Sylvester T. about 12 years ago

Oh, sorry, I take that back - I just discovered I am apparently using the development release (1.9.0 beta), rather than the 'official' (stable) current release (1.8.10).

Avira still complains about 1.8.10 like it did before (both about the installer, as well as the main executable, both 32 and 64 bit).
The development version however does not trigger any detections! I assume I just mixed these up before and Avira didn't actually fix anything yet.

So, the good news is: AdiIRC can be used just fine with Avira, just use the development release :)
The bad news is: they're still showing false alarms on the current release.

I hope they will still look into this and send you a proper reply!

RE: Can't use AdiIRC with Avira Premium 2013 - Added by Per Amundsen about 12 years ago

Finally got a reply, I have been in contact with about 10 other AV in the past because of false positives, this is the first time someone have denied and the reason is the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

By that logic, a worm could use your browser to spam websites and your email client to spam email, better flag that to!

I would advice against giving this company money.

And it makes sense that the betas work, since they are manually flagging my program as RISK after a scan apparently.

Hi Per Amundsen,

Thank you for contacting us.

The portable version of this IRC application can be embedded into malware such as IRC Bots and used to send IRC floods. This is the reason for this SPR/ detection . To alert our customers that this application is running on their system, in case a worm or bot should use this program for malware purposes.
The detection will not be removed, but if the customer does not want this detection to occur, either disable the SPR/ detection from the Configuration menu or add this file to exceptions. 

For further questions don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you.