A few suggestions for the Themes Manager
Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago
Using AdiIRC 3.0 Beta build 2017/08/26 x64 in win10.
AdiIRC is already awesome in all aspects, having so many unique features!
The only aspect I think it needs some "love" is the Themes Manager, that's why I'd like to make a few suggestions, please:
- Currently, if you have enabled the option: Options|Colors|"Override Windows theme colors" and you switch to a different theme (via File|Themes)
then the option becomes disabled.
My suggestions is the option to remain enabled (and have it enabled by default on new installations).
It will make switching themes easier (viewing each one fully applied).
- The .ini theme files provided in the installation are all dated up to Sept. of 2015.
But, in https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/boards/6 these themes have been updated, latest being of June of 2016.
My suggestion is to update the provided theme files to their latest versions.
- Rename a few themes (asd, Dunno, EgdelWonk, JagLags, oK, Qdark, vvvvvvvv) to more descriptive filenames,
and normalize their filenames: i.e. all themes to begin with uppercase, capitalize each word, convert underscores or dashes to spaces or camelcase (Dark_Para, small-and-easy), and remove the word 'theme' from the filename (ClassyTheme, Sutis theme, SimpleTheme, TestTheme), as well as any "v0.1".
I believe it will make the list easier to read.
- Organize the themes in groups, e.g.
"Flat" group (8 themes),
"Hexchat" (2),
"Qdark" (2),
"ImBlue" (2),
and maybe a generic "Dark" group, containing all rest dark themes.
I hope you agree with my suggestions.
Replies (11)
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
1. "Override Windows theme colors" is a theme option, so the theme deicides if it should be enabled or disabled, a theme can actually override any option it wants to.
2. All the new themes seems to be including icons and background images etc, they are too big to be included in the installer, bundling themes was a bad idea from the start, since once installed, they will never be updated, I have some ideas for that in the future.
3. The themes are not made by me, but by users, they deicide how the theme should work and what it should be called.
4. I don't think themes fit into groups.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago
Thanks for replying and for the info.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
I had a look at the theme section, "Im Blue" "Im Blue and Dark" "TestTheme" "Asd" was actually made by me, then there is "oK" and "vvvvvvvv" which was the name uploaded to me but doesn't make much sense, if you can come up with better names for these themes, I will rename them.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago
Im Blue -------------> BlueOnBlue
Im Blue and Dark > BlueOnBlack> CompactBlack
TestTheme --------
Asd ------------------> CompactBlue
oK -------------------> CompactGrey
vvvvvvvv -----------> CompactBlack ComicSans
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Thanks, just curious, what does Compact means in this case?
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago
Having smaller font size than the default.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
I see, that makes sense, thanks.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago
I updated my beta installation today (2017/08/26 -> 2017/08/31), and these 6 themes still have the initial names (and, the mirc theme is not your updated from yesterday).
I see that you renamed in the forum https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/boards/6.
Could you please update the themes that come with the installation, too?
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
AdiIRC cannot update themes as I mentioned earlier, you would have to manually download them.
The renamed files will be bundled with the 3.0 installer though.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Kostas K over 7 years ago
Thank you for the quick reply.
RE: A few suggestions for the Themes Manager - Added by Per Amundsen over 7 years ago
Some further notes, the 3.0 AdiIRC installer will only copy new theme files if the filename doesn't already exist, it will not delete old named ones, you would have to delete them manually, I know this is not what you expected, but AdiIRC should not be deleting or modifying a users theme files since the user might have modified or created a similar named theme.
Also there is no correlation with a theme filename and a theme from the forum, that may change in the future by adding something like a "update" URL or maybe a theme "browser", I will explore various options.