


Ban with prompt for reason and time limit

Added by Paul Aburn about 1 year ago

I am trying to set up a menu item to be able to ban users for a set period of time, that prompts me for the length of time and also to provide a reason.

So something a bit along the lines of the following, but that also prompts for the time length rather than having it set at 1 hr;

.KickBan (why 1 hr timer):ban -ku3600 # $$1 $$?="Reason:"

I've played around with this but utterly failed to get anything to work so any assistance much appreciated.

Replies (2)

RE: Ban with prompt for reason and time limit - Added by Per Amundsen about 1 year ago

Should be able to do:

.KickBan (why 1 hr timer):ban -ku $+ $$?="Time:" # $$1 $$?="Reason:" 