Added by Per Amundsen about 9 years ago
Swap CTRL + TAB/CTRL + SHIFT + TAB keybinds with ALT + LEFT/RIGHT
Requires AdiIRC 2.3 or higher
See also /tab.
; use tab -m to include minimized windows. on *:KEYDOWN:*:*: { ; alt+left to ctrl+shift+tab if ($mouse.key & 8 && $keyval == 37) { tab -p halt } ; alt+right to ctrl+tab if ($mouse.key & 8 && $keyval == 39) { tab -n halt } ; ctrl+shift+tab to alt+left if ($mouse.key & 2 && $mouse.key & 4 && $keyval == 9) { tab -b halt } ; ctrl+tab to alt+right if ($mouse.key & 2 && $keyval == 9) { tab -f halt } }