Bug #1769
closedChannel titlebar caption
$channel doesn't seem to work in titlebar.
Also, can't set caption on query windows (when external, not in MDI mode, it changes its channel's).
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Hm, I can't replicate any issues with titles, are you using the latest beta?
Also can you post a screenshot of the problem along with your window title options?
Updated by Andreas vb over 10 years ago
on *:ACTIVE:#:/titlebar $channel $network
Only $network is working, using that in the mean time.
Variables only seem to work in script, when typing it in the inputbox it just use it literally, not as a variable.
$version - $channel $version - $network - $nick $nick!$ident@$host - $version
Always latest beta. :)
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Oh you are using /titlebar, in that case you need to use normal scripting identifiers like $chan :)
Also, can't set caption on query windows (when external, not in MDI mode, it changes its channel's).
Still not sure what this means ?
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Nbm I see what you mean, for query's you need either to add a new active event e.g on *:ACTIVE:?:/titlebar $nick
However, $nick is not set for this event, I will fix that.
Updated by Andreas vb over 10 years ago
Query works when it's MDI but not on desktop, it says:
Desktop: "AdiIRC - nickname ident - version..."
MDI: "nickname - [nickname ident - version...]
The channel works now at least, with: "on *:ACTIVE:?:/titlebar $target ][ AdiIRC"
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
I'm so confused, but the /titlebar command only changes the part before MDI, to change the other part, you use the Titlebar Options, they use different variables though.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Maybe this is what you want, on :ACTIVE::/titlebar $target $network
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Forgot to format
on *:ACTIVE:*:/titlebar $target $network
Updated by Andreas vb over 10 years ago
This is what I would like:
MDI: channel ][ AdiIRC - [version]
Desktop: nickname ][ AdiIRC - [version]
When using on *:ACTIVE:?:/titlebar $target ][ AdiIRC
And Priv Titles: $version
I get following as title on query windows:
Desktop: AdiIRC - version
MDI: nickname ][ AdiIRC - [version]
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
I see, very odd, this works for me with query's *:ACTIVE:?:/titlebar $target ][ AdiIRC
Updated by Andreas vb over 10 years ago
On desktop windows?
Open a query, press Ctrl+D.
Mine only says what's in options, but with AdiIRC in front, doesn't use any script.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
Oh now I see what you mean, unfortunately you can't change the Titlebar for "Desktop Windows" besides the Titlebar Options.
Updated by Andreas vb over 10 years ago
Can't you change the code so it's before the program name?
It's hard to know which window is which when the taskbar only says: #channel ... AdiIRC -... AdiIRC -... AdiIRC -... =/
I made a script with AHK that removes the 8 first characters with title matching, not the cleanest way, but meh.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
I'll see if I can make a hack for this.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 1.9.6
"AdiIRC - " is removed in next beta :)
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed