Bug #1782
closedHighlights regex doesn't work
Highlights regex doesn't work
Updated by Per Amundsen over 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Updated by Andreas vb about 10 years ago
Would it be possible to test the highlight?
I can't seem to get it to work except $me
Updated by Per Amundsen about 10 years ago
It's the same regular expressions as $regex/$regsub/$regsubex, you can use these to test.
//if ($regex(text, pattern)) { /echo -ag match was found }
Updated by Andreas vb about 10 years ago
Seems the match are working but not the actual Highlightning.
It seems to be case sensitive, even though the option isn't checked.
I have match on Message and the Highlight on a partial nickname and Regex is on.
What I want is:
Highlight: andreas
If someone types Andreasvb anywhere in a text, it should Highlight with a green color and show a notification.
Now it only seem to work if someone write andreas / andreasvb, without capital.
Do I need to use: andreas/gi or something as Highlight?
Does the order matter?
//$regex(Andreasvb:,/andreas/gi)> 1> 0
I have a $me with purple color, which it triggered instead, I removed it after 08:30 on the screenshot.
First I had andreas/gi but changed it to only andreas after 08:32, that's when it started to trigger.
(I also tried move it to bottom of the list, same issue).
Updated by Per Amundsen about 10 years ago
Oh I see.
/ /i should not be necessary in the highlight regex, I have fixed this for next beta, thanks.
Updated by Per Amundsen about 10 years ago
Also order matter, the first match in the highlight order will be used.