Bug #2258
closedDecryption fails with $decrypt
When I run this on the betabuild portable 32 and 64bit
var %text $encrypt(Hello World, test)
echo -ag $decrypt(%text, test)
I get this :
0ƭ ~ò�.�trD�
before I found $encrypt and $decrypt I was using the blowfish fork.
And I have gotten similar issues with cbc decryption there too.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago
Thanks this is fixed for next beta.
The blowfish dll is not related to this, I will try update it from upstream.
Updated by Per Amundsen over 9 years ago
mirc fish is updated now, using next AdiIRC beta, encoding should be more reliable.
Updated by jon chris over 9 years ago
Per Amundsen wrote:
mirc fish is updated now, using next AdiIRC beta, encoding should be more reliable.
Thanks for the quickfix, btw does $encrypt use cbc mode?
Updated by Per Amundsen over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Target version changed from 1.9.9 to 3.3
Was keeping this open in case I figured out how to do CBC, but I just learned even ECB is not working properly so
$encrypt is gonna be disabled in 3.3, consider using the blowfish plugin instead https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/wiki/Blowfish, it also supports CBC.